
Free Astra by Chris Platt

Book: Astra by Chris Platt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Platt
going to sit there and watch her struggle through uncomfortable conversation with the new boy. She reached down for her backpack and cringed when she noticed her mismatched socks.
    She managed to get out of the truck without falling on her face. The boy nodded his head politely and moved over on the bench to make room. Lily thought about her unmatched socks and decided to stand. She didn’t want them peeking out if her jeans rode up when she sat. “Hi, my name is Lily,” she said. Immediately she felt like a dork.
    â€œI’m Devin,” the boy said as he shoved his hands deep into his jacket pockets. “My family just moved into the big tan house down the road.” He grinned. “We’re from southern California so I’m not used to this cold weather.”
    Devin seemed friendly as well as cute. Lily dropped her backpack at her feet and pulled on her gloves. “Yeah, it gets kind of cold here in the winter, but the weather’s supposed to warm up soon. Spring’s always pretty nice here up North.”
    The sound of the bus chugging up the hill saved Lily from any more conversation. At least now she wouldn’t have to worry about making a fool of herself by saying something totally stupid. She turned and waved to her dad, then waited for the bus to come to a complete stop. The bus driver smiled as she stepped onboard. Lily took a seat three rows back while the driver motioned for Devin to sit up front. She wanted to give him the no-monkey-business-on-my-bus speech.
    When they reached the school, Lily braced herself for what she knew would be the longest day of the year. All she wanted to do was get home and see Astra, but she had a lot of classes to get through before she could do that. She tightened her grip on the strap of her backpack. The sooner she started, the quicker she’d get home.
    No amount of clock watching would make time move faster. After what seemed like a twenty-four-hour school day, Lily finally stepped off the bus and into her grandmother’s car. Devin hadn’t taken the bus home, and she hadn’t seen him in class. Lily thought he might be a grade or two ahead of her. She pulled off her gloves and settled her backpack at her feet.
    The weather had warmed to fifty-five degrees. She decided it would be a perfect time to start working on Astra’s stall and paddock. But first she wanted to get to the Henleys’ as fast as possible and see her horse.
    Her horse .
    She loved the sound of those words. Her mother would be so excited for her. “Grams, can we go straight to the barn, please? I want to see Astra.”
    Her grandmother smiled. “I would’ve been surprised if you’d wanted to go anyplace else.”
    Lily sat back in her seat and put on her seat belt. “You’re the best, Grams.”
    Her grandmother glanced into the rearview mirror and pulled onto the road. “Yes, dear, I know.”
    Mr. Henley was standing in the driveway, holding a horse for the shoer, when they got to the ranch. “You just missed Dr. Tison,” he said. “But he gave Astra good marks. Says she’s getting stronger.”
    Charlie came out through the barn door with a loaded wheelbarrow. “Hi, Silly Lily. Dr. Tison says Astra might be able to stand by tomorrow.”
    Silly Lily? That was even dumber than Lil-pill. Lily shook her head. Some things never changed. Charlie would always be a bonehead. But at least he had good news.
    She helped her grandmother down the aisle, guiding her along to Astra’s stall. “Hiya, girl,” she said as she opened the stall door and knelt beside the gray mare. It was so amazing to see her respond by flicking her ears and reaching her nose out to touch her shirtfront.
    â€œIsn’t she beautiful?” Lily said to Grams proudly. “I’m going to go home and build her a nice pen and a stall so she can live with us as soon as she’s strong enough to

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