The Second Time Around

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Book: The Second Time Around by Chastity Bush Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chastity Bush
A large, muscular guard sat behind an equally large desk. Catching sight of the woman, the guard smiled, and then tipped his hat.
She smiled saucily before tossing a wink in his direction.
She was sex personified, and she was all h is for the night. The thought brought a grin to his face.
A loud ding drew his attention as he followed his mystery woman onto the empty elevator.
The doors closed and he leaned back against the wall.
“ Do you pick up strange women often?” she asked, taking a step closer to him.
He shook his head. “ No. Do you pick up many strange men?”
She laughed, and ran a finger down his chest to his stomach, then finally to the waist of his jeans. Hooking the tip of her finger inside the waist of his jeans, she it over the broad head of his cock. “ Never.”
“ Then I guess tonight ’ s my lucky night,” he growled pulling her against him to take her lips in a flaming kiss. Her body heat seared him through his clothing. Lowering his head to her neck, he felt her trembl e.
Trailing his hand over the round globes of her ass, then around to her flat stomach and higher, he cupped her breast.
She moaned, threading her fingers into his hair.
Gently, he pinched the sensitive, already hard nipple.
The ding of the elevato r brought them back to their senses. Grabbing his hand, she led him quickly from the elevator, down a long hallway. She stopped at the last door on the left, she pulled a set of keys from her purse, then slipped it into the lock. Once inside, she closed t h e door behind them with a click.
As she turned away from the door, he grabbed her waist, and pulled her against his chest.
Immediately, they picked up where they ’ d left off in the elevator.
Lowering his head, he kissed her. Her soft, full lips melded to his perfectly as she slipped her tongue into his mouth to explore. He grasped her hips and thrust against her.
“ My room,” she said on a broken pant, pointing down the hall to a partially open door. But he knew they wouldn ’ t make it that far. She held him on razors edge with just the sound of her honey rich voice.
Grabbing the hem of her dress, he pulled it over her head in one fluid movement, tossing the item to the floor behind him.
                                                                                                              * * * *
M oaning, Trixie arched into his caress. Her body burned with need. Squeezing her legs together, she gaped at the wetness building there. Just one touch and this man had her panties soaked. It ’ d been so long since she ’ d felt this level of arousal.
Threadi ng her fingers deeper into his onyx black hair, she held on for dear life as he lowered his head and set to work on her breasts. The feel of his hot mouth against her now bare flesh sent a thrill unlike any other rocketing through her. She didn ’ t even kno w this man ’ s name and yet he set her ablaze unlike any before. This was most certainly the excitement she ’ d been searching for.
Nothing compared to this feeling of unbridled passion, to the white-hot arousal that blazed out of control, roiling within her like a raging inferno burning hotter and hotter with every caress of his firm, masculine hands. It was like a force of nature, this all-consuming desire living, breathing within her.
Gently, his hands traveled the length of her torso and lower still.
T he pads of his fingertips left a trail of blazing heat over every inch of flesh they touched.
Gripping the ends of his t-shirt, she tugged it over his head. Then lowered her hands to unfasten the button of his jeans.
Slipping her hand inside, she found and grasped his cock, her palm barely closing around it. He sucked in a breath. She sighed with pleasure. His cock was soft, yet hard. Solid steel covered in velvet, she mused.
His scent overwhelmed her, as she pressed

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