Connected (Twists of Fate #1)
barely a breath to force the words out, her hands knotting her nightgown in a pathetic attempt at control.
    Damn straight, he whispered against her ear. Now keep your eyes closed, sweetheart. Let me love you. Feel me.
    His words were disjointed, tumbling freely through her mind as the picture of them became clearer, became all she could see, all she could feel. Him. Rhys. Her. His strength, his sculpted body. Her lithe form, arching up to meet him, to press against him. Contact was made, skin-to-skin, heating her blood as it seared through her veins. Rhys groaned as his hands—
    On a gasp, her eyes popped open and the sensations faded.
    No! Rhys roared. No…stay with me. He sounded desperate, almost begging her to come back to him.
    And how could she not?
    Closing her eyes, she was instantly under him again. His tattooed arms braced himself, his back rippling with muscles as he moved above her, his tight little ass clenching as he—
    “Oh, my God,” Addison groaned.
    The erotic images blasting through her head were so intense she could actually feel him surging inside of her. She gasped as her back arched, lost in the wet glide of their bodies becoming one. Whimpering his name, she somehow grasped onto the shoulders of the man thrusting within, feeling the curve of his back under her palms as he rocked to his own rhythm.
    She knew if she opened her eyes all would be lost, so she squeezed them closed, afraid to accidentally open them.
    Rhys’ hands slid down her side—thumbs dragging over her beaded nipples—to grip her hips, to angle her for deeper—
    Oh…yeah, he moaned, sparking a whole new exquisite wave to crash over her.
    Immersed in the images, in his touch, in his body, Addison became lost in a whirlpool of pleasure. She was so close… sooo close, teetering on the edge between total bliss and dark frustration, and she suddenly knew Rhys felt it, too. Their link was pure, their souls were one; he felt what she felt, he wanted what she wanted. They were together, in every way possible.
    Her heart hammered with the realization and her body surged against him, her breasts tightening in anticipation. Rhys pressed closer, his lips to her ear. His breathing came out in little pants of hot air as a stream of murmured words flowed freely through his lips.
    Ah, fuck. Baby, don’t hold back. Give it to me. Please, Addison. Let go. I want it. He growled an assent as her nails bit into his skin, and then he whispered, God…I want you.
    His final words shoved her careening over the edge. Gripping him tight, she let out a cry of ecstasy to mix with his own shout of pleasure. Together they held and rode out the climax swamping over them, both lost in the frenzy as their moans blended into one.
    Addison didn’t know how long they laid there together, his weight pressing her into the mattress, but eventually he rolled to the side and she dared to open her eyes. Peering down under the covers, she was still fully dressed with no physical evidence whatsoever of their encounter other than the after-sex glow she felt radiating from her body.
    Come back to me, Rhys murmured, gently tugging on their connection.
    She shifted to her side and closed her eyes. The images were no longer there, but she could still feel Rhys as he pressed up behind her, spooning her as his arm encircled her belly, pulling her closer. His hard body conformed to hers, arching around her curves as she relaxed into him.
    Rhys sighed, a sound of complete and total contentment. That was…
    A sleepy chuckle escaped him as he snuggled closer. What an understatement.
    Addison yawned, let herself begin to drift. “I can’t think of any other word,” she mumbled.
    She felt Rhys’ lips press against her temple. No words exist. They never will.

Chapter Eleven

    Addison let loose a satiated sigh as she nudged her body awake. Or was that Rhys?
    She could still feel him pressed up behind her, but she knew the sensation would disappear the minute

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