needs to be covered in them. Henceforth, whenever we leave campus, I’m instituting a protocol that if we see solar panels, we are stopping and removing them, or making a plan to return and get them later. Even the ones that just warm water would be good. If we could figure out how to harness the power of the river to make juice too, that’d be great. Sadly, I know fuck all about building a hydroelectric dam, and I don’t think anyone else here does either. Maybe there’s a book in the library on that esoteric subject.
Bio-Diesel is an option. I know we’ve got the stuff around here to make it, I just don’t know how to do it. If we could find someone nearby with the knowledge... man that’d be great. I remember a few years ago some of the ski resorts up north switched all their grooming machines to bio-diesel, and they had the operations to do it right on site. I wonder if that asshole ski resort Lindsey and Doug ran from was one of them. If that’s the case, then those fuckers are the ones who are Oprah rich. Being able to make and sell diesel fuel in this world is an amazingly powerful position to be in, and they’ve got barter out the ass for anything. The new Arabs, as it were.
That’s the kind of thing people kill for nowadays. Not that I’m saying I’d mount a mission to take it from them, but shit. If we could make the trip north somehow to check some of the resorts and see if bio-diesel gear was still left behind… that’d be terrific. I’m also wondering if any of the farms in the region here had bio-diesel set ups. I know it was all the rage there last year, so there’s got to be one around here somewhere. Of course there are no "large" farms in town, but a few towns over in a few directions I can recall a few places that might’ve been big enough to do it.
More shit to put on the growing to-do list. This is where having more people is nice. If we can split up and do two or three things at once, it’s so much better for everyone. Unfortunately, we desperately need to secure ways to feed more people first, otherwise…
We’ll all fucking starve.
And starving sucks.
July 9 th
Well. Things are going… fairly well here.
I’m feeling silly tonight. I had a couple drinks earlier outside on the porch of Hall A with some of the folks here, and despite the motherfucking mosquitoes, it was well worth it. We hadn’t really taken much time to sit down and put our feet up and get to know each other, so spending an hour or two with these folks was really nice.
Alex and George for example, our resident gay couple, are pretty awesome people. They both worked in the city before the end at a bank, and despite those skills being entirely useless now, they were both very creative people (and continue to be), and they’ve got a lot natural talent. Both of them can play a couple musical instruments each, and Alex can draw like a bastard. It was really nice to sit down and listen to the two of them play a song together. They both play guitar, and they played five or six songs for us. It’ll be nice to have some reasonably creative and talented folks around here. It seems like the bulk of us are “practical” types, who are far too no-nonsense.
Even Ollie was swayed to their side. That or he doesn’t give a rat’s ass they are gay. Who knows? I’m just happy to have everyone getting along, even if it is only for an evening.
Martin has about ten years as a welder, is pretty funny, huge, and can hold his liquor. His wife Julie is also a good sized girl. Not really fat at all, just tall. Martin is about six three or six four, and she’s gotta be at least six foot as well. She played college basketball, is pretty physical in general, and worked as a cook in a nice restaurant over in Westfield. She’s been helping Melissa make meals for us, and frankly, it’s been awesome. I know it sounds a little… what’s the word? Misogynistic? But it has been a blessing to have our