Second Chances

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Book: Second Chances by Leigh Brown, Victoria Corliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Brown, Victoria Corliss
he’d taken from her, but if her plan worked she might manage to forget just a little and move on with her life.
    The plan for her salvation had come to her in a dream, swift and sudden telling her exactly what to do. It was simple really. She’d publish George’s manuscript as her own thereby fulfilling her commitment to Dewes and let fate take it from there. If it caused trouble for George, tough, payback’s a bitch. She’d consider it his way of making up for all the pain and upset he’d caused.
    Pashmina met Amelia’s inquisitive gaze and wondered how long she’d been waiting for her to answer. The girl was fidgeting slightly in her seat, growing anxious and Pashmina felt bad for keeping her waiting. She liked Amelia very much and was growing fonder by the day. Amelia was kind, and clearly concerned that Pashmina might be stepping into harm’s way. Gentle in demeanor but strong too, she had the courage to ask the tough questions and was astute enough to know which ones to ask. But not quite all of them.
    “Yes, the book is mine,” she said at last. “I know it’s a different style for me but think of it as an experiment. I take full responsibility for “ Family Secrets .”
    Her conviction was contagious, melting away Amelia’s nervous tension. “I believe you and I trust you,” she said simply. “Now let’s get started.
    *   *   *
    Chadwick Brown strode confidently through the hallways of Brown Books surveying his domain like a proud king measuring his realm. In the few years since he and Abby had inherited the reins of power from their father, they’d wasted no time flexing their youthful muscles to flip the ultra-conservative firm on its head. Under their direction, more aggressive operating procedures were now in place as well as an exciting new roster of fresh and contemporary authors giving the company a unique progressive edge.
    He glanced around approvingly. Yes, they were doing well, but the competition was never far behind and heavy-handed pressure from the Board, i.e. his Chairman father never stopped. He had the ulcers to prove it.
    Behind a massive desk his secretary Lauren sat like a sentry guarding the inner sanctum that was his office. She looked up as he approached a pile of pink message slips in one hand, a steaming cup of coffee in the other. “Good morning Mr. Brown,” she smiled handing him both items at once. “Your father called. He’d like to speak with you about the agenda for the upcoming Board of Directors meeting.” Chad grimaced and sighed, “Anything else?”
    With a sympathetic smile Lauren deftly changed the subject of his father to something far more dangerous. “Careful drinking your coffee,” she warned. “It’s so hot I almost melted my tongue. Oh and your 9:30 appointment Mr. Smith is waiting in your office.”
    Damn. He’d forgotten Tim was coming in today. “Thanks,” he said glancing at the message from his father. This conversation with Tim would have to be short. He didn’t have time to think about someone else’s problems, he had enough of his own. “Do me a favor?” he asked Lauren. “Buzz me in half an hour and say I have another meeting or something Ok?” Flashing his brightest smile Chad headed to his office.
    *   *   *
    Surveying the city skyline from the 360-vantage of Chad’s 20th story office, Tim felt powerful, invincible and he liked it. This was where he belonged, at the top calling the shots. After all, there’s no ‘I’ in team but there is in ‘Tim’. He chuckled softly at his own joke turning as the door opened and Chad entered the room.
    He looked older than Tim remembered noting the distinguished gray already dusting Chadwick’s temples and the crow’s feet fanning from the corners of his colorless eyes; eyes that could appear as clear as a mountain spring on a sunny day or as dark as a raging sea depending upon his mood. Right now they were neither light nor dark just a little cloudy

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