Jennifer Kacey

Free Jennifer Kacey by Aslan's Fetish

Book: Jennifer Kacey by Aslan's Fetish Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aslan's Fetish
Chapter One
    “You’re still awake, my wife.”
    Aslan looked up from her phone screen as Zeke walked out of the bathroom, completely naked. Fresh from a shower. Her mouth watered. “And it’s a good thing I am. You look like you could use a buddy.”
    His cock jerked as he scrubbed a towel over his head on the way to the closet. “Oh, really? What kind of buddy do you think I could use?”
    “One with a helping hand?” she asked. “Or mouth,” she mumbled as he ducked inside to toss his towel in the laundry basket.
    “A helping hand. Hmm. Like someone to play pool with?” His eyebrows dipped low in fake concentration.
    “Nope, but there will definitely be a stick and balls and holes involved.”
    “Ha!” He barked out a laugh and climbed into bed on his side. Beneath the covers, he scooted closer. “Hey, you’re naked, too? What a coincidence.” Trailing his palm across her stomach, he grabbed her waist and tugged her sideways into the shelter of his body.
    Didn’t take her two seconds to tuck herself a bit closer and relax against him. Still on her back, she was able to look up at him as he stared down at her. “It’s not exactly a coincidence. You told me a couple weeks ago you wanted me to sleep naked all the time so you could take me in the middle of the night.”
    He kissed her neck and propped his head up on one of his hands. “I said that? Really? Doesn’t really sound like something I would say. You need your sleep and all.”
    Aslan smiled. “Maybe not, but my monster had no problems asking for what he wanted.”
    “Needed,” Zeke interjected as he leaned in close to steal a kiss. “What he needed.”
    Setting her phone on her chest on top of the comforter, she held the back of Zeke’s neck and pulled him close for another kiss. Against his lips, she told him something she’d been telling him a lot lately. “I love being what you need.”
    “Ditto.” Dipping his head low, he kissed her again.
    This wasn’t just a brief meeting of lips.
    On this kiss, he tasted her mouth, sampling her until her breath caught in her throat and she sighed. He pulled his arm from beneath the covers and cupped her jaw. Angling his mouth, he deepened the kiss. Her entire body jerked almost as if he’d made her come. From a simple kiss.
    “I love it when you do that. Jerk when I’m touching you. So fucking hot.” He stared down at her as she convinced her eyelids to open and stay that way.
    “Have I ever told you how much I love it when you kiss me like that ?”
    “Like what?” he asked as he brushed a piece of hair from her cheek.
    “Like you want to possess me. Own me.”
    He glanced down at her left hand before meeting her eyes again.
    She automatically moved her wedding ring around on her finger.
    “Most definitely, on possessing you. When we said I do the possession was in the fine print.”
    Aslan almost reached up and touched her throat. Almost. It was feeling more and more naked each day as their kink dynamic grew. She’d thought about mentioning it several times but she always stopped.
    “Yes it was,” she agreed, but it felt a bit less true as his domination of her grew.
    It was late and as if on cue, she yawned. Bringing it up this late wouldn’t be good for either of them. Not if they expected to get any good rest. So she put it back on her later list.
    She had everything she ever dreamed of.
    Rocking the boat was not what she wanted to do.
    Convincing her husband to fuck her to sleep was a much more enticing item on her to-do list. Like, at the top of the list. In bold. Highlighted. With hearts maybe.
    A ping went off on her chest and they both looked down.
    “I forgot I even had my phone out. You make me forget everything.”
    Zeke’s cock jerked against her hip and she bit her lip.
    “Best compliment ever. So what are you still doing up? You looked dead on your feet before we left the office tonight. I know the build schedule’s been insane but the ship will be

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