Navy SEAL’s Virgin Lover

Free Navy SEAL’s Virgin Lover by Nic Saint

Book: Navy SEAL’s Virgin Lover by Nic Saint Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nic Saint
Burke, and it was the most enchanting experience of my entire life.”
    “Enchanting, huh? Is that what you kids call it nowadays?”
    “We made love under the stars and it was magical.”
    “It was sex, buddy. Nothing more, nothing less.”
    Ram shook his head decidedly. “Uh-uh. It was more than sex. I felt a connection I’ve never felt before with any woman. It was love.”
    Burke yawned cavernously. “Well, good for you, Bradley. I hope you’ll be very happy together.” When his friend didn’t respond, he looked up in alarm. Ram was staring out the window into the night. “Raminar? Are you all right, buddy?”
    Ram shook his head. “I don’t know,” he said softly. He looked over at Burke, and the latter was surprised when he saw the pain in his friend’s eyes. “It’s just that… I’ve never been in love before, man. I-I’m scared I’ll screw up.”
    Burke placed a beefy hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry,” he said in a low voice. “You will.”

Chapter 16

    “I don’t think you should ask.”
    Erin slipped on her bikini top and picked out a shirt. “Why not? It’s not as if he won’t tell me. We were intimate last night, remember?”
    “Intimate?” Sophie snorted. “Girl, what century do you think this is?”
    Erin shrugged. She was feeling light as a feather and whatever Sophie said, nothing could bring her down today. Not after the wonderful night she had with Ram. She wasn’t a virgin anymore, and it felt great! As if some great weight she hadn’t even known rested on her shoulders had finally been lifted. “I just think he wouldn’t mind telling me, that’s all. We’re lovers now, and lovers don’t keep secrets from each other.”
    Another muffled snort sounded from the bathroom, which Sophie had occupied for over half an hour now, but Erin decided to ignore it. If Sophie didn’t have a romantic bone in her body, that couldn’t be helped, but she’d be damned if she let her friend drag her down to her own sordid level.
    “It’s probably something really silly,” she went on. “Maybe he’s working on some secret project for the Indian government.”
    Sophie walked into the room, adjusting her shorts. “Didn’t you tell me it had something to do with treasure?”
    Erin blushed. She shouldn’t have confided her silly ideas to Sophie. “That was just a thought. It looked like a treasure map.”
    “You really are a hopeless romantic, aren’t you? Love at first sight, nookie under the moonlight, and now treasure maps? Next thing you’re going to tell me Burke is actually Captain Burke and runs a pirate ship off the coast of Goa!”
    “Well, he sure looks like a pirate.”
    “And he fucks like one, too.”
    Erin had to giggle at the crude language. “Sophie!”
    “What? Call a spade a spade, honey, it’ll save you a lot of heartache.” She held out a hand. “I dare say there’s no love lost between me and Burke, but he’s one hell of a sex machine and that’s good enough for me. True love?” She shrugged dismissively. “I’m too old for fairy tales.”
    “Well, I’m not,” riposted Erin stubbornly. She believed in all the things Sophie dismissed so easily: love at first sight, soulmates, everlasting devotion between a man and a woman…
    She believed in love and she believed she’d finally found it with Raminar, and if Sophie was too jaded to see it, so be it. She wasn’t going to let her friend’s cynicism destroy what was the high point of her life—the fulfillment of a life-long dream.
    She slipped her dolphin earrings in, and walked into the bathroom to check her look in the mirror. Her pixie face seemed to glow, and she wondered if it was the glow of love that was now shining from within.
    She was wearing her favorite aquamarine shirt, her fluorescent top underneath, and stylishly torn jeans shorts, and if she said so herself, she looked pretty hot this morning. Then, looking closer, she thought she detected a fresh dusting of freckles around

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