questions. I think it’s pretty obvious I’m against drugs, but that’s as much as I’m prepared to let on. I came her to escape my past, not be reminded of it.
    I tell them about the dealer I found in the bar on opening night, and that he won’t be returning any time soon. I don’t tell them that I left him a bloodied mess out back, but I think they can tell that it wasn’t just an idle threat in conversation that he left with.
    The conversation gets a little easier from then, and I can see that the club are really concerned about drugs being dealt in Severed. I’ve got contacts that I can call on to help the situation and allude to that, without giving away who they are. I don’t want them to know about my military history, or the contacts I still have outside of that.
    I’ve just moved here. I can’t watch anyone else I care about, or become close to kill themselves because of drugs. I won’t.
    By the time the guys leave my office we’ve reached an agreement. We’re not going to be best buddies, but we understand and respect each other.
    I let Cowboy know that I’ll make sure Lucy gets home safely after her shift. “From the look she gave you when you walked in I’m guessing you’re not in her good books at the moment.” I laugh.
    Lucy makes a point of waving at Angel as they leave, but turns her back on Cowboy. I’m going to have to find out what the poor guy did to deserve that treatment, but right now I’ve got some calls to make.
    I need to find out what the hell is going on in Severed.

Chapter Twenty Four
    I hang up the phone and sigh. This is not good. I contacted an ex-army buddy Chris, who runs his own security firm out of Melbourne, to ask him about the drug problems we’re having in Severed. From everything he’s seen so far he seems to think that this is more than some random drug dealer we’re dealing with, but a large organised gang.
    He’s asked me to give him a few more days to look into it. I don’t want this shit on my doorstep. I don’t need this shit.
    What I do want is to see that gorgeous blonde Holly again. I pick up my phone and send her a text.
    DECLAN: How do you fancy an evening picnic with me tonight?
    HOLLY: Sounds fun, meet you at yours at 8 with my truck?
    DECLAN: I look forward to it :- )
    I know I need to concentrate on the drug problem in Severed, but for one night I’m going to allow myself to lead a normal, civilian life. I need it.
    I’m glad Holly’s bringing her pick up, I don’t think a picnic basket would fit on the bike. Who am I kidding? I’ve travelled half way around Australia on this bike; it’s got more than enough storage. But, I can’t lay a blanket out on the top of a bike in the same way I can in the back of a pick up truck. I foresee some stargazing laid out next to Holly this evening.

    I put the phone back in my pocket, a silly grin on my face. Eve gives me a questioning look.
    “Nothing, just going to see a friend later.” I tell her. Eve’s look turns into a knowing smirk. That girl is too switched on for her own good. When she sees the panic on my face she reassures me.
    “Don’t worry, Holly. I won’t say anything to the guys. I’ve seen how they’ve been treating you like a fragile doll these past few months. I can’t stand it when they do it to me.” I reach over and hug Eve. She’s a breath of fresh air in the club, and I love her and her friend Elle. They help keep me grounded and sane. They’re strong characters; they’ve survived some pretty bad shit since they became involved in the club and they’ve not let it beat them. If anything it’s made them stronger.
    “Are you going to tell me who this friend is?” Eve enquires.
    “Not yet,” I hesitate. “It’s early days. If it looks like it’s going to turn into anything then I’ll let you know.” I promise.
    “Okay, but make sure you’ve got your phone with you, and if you need anything promise me you’ll ring me.” She

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