Send Me No Flowers

Free Send Me No Flowers by Kristin Gabriel

Book: Send Me No Flowers by Kristin Gabriel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Gabriel
of her as the opposite sex instead of the opposition. The trouble was, he liked everything about her except her stand on Valentine’s Day. He liked her eyes. Her body. Her wit. And he had a sneaking suspicion he’d really liked her kiss. If only he could remember it.
    Drew rubbed a hand across his jaw, frustrated with his lack of progress. While he’d been fantasizing about her lips, she’d been planning to picket. She’d made her statement loud and clear. Maybe it was time for him to do the same.
    He got out of the car, not bothering to zip up his jacket. The brisk night air cut through his clothes, but he barely noticed the cold. He walked up to the curb as the protesters circled the walk in front of him.
    “Down with Valentine’s Day,” they chanted, waving their signs up and down. He glimpsed Rachel among them, her hat pulled low, her cheeks and nose already bright red from the cold.
    She’d probably stay out here until she got frostbite.
    He’d already seen the protesters scare off at least four potential customers from Bert’s shop. Inside, all the tables were empty, the display counter still filled with pastry. A tempting curl of steam floated up from the cappuccino machine.
    Time to make his move.
    He broke through the circle of picketers, ignoring their gasps of dismay and outrage. He gave them a jaunty salute as he reached the door of the shop, anxious to cozy up to a pecan roll and a hot cup of cappuccino.
    “Scab!” shouted a voice behind him. It sounded suspiciously like his date.
    He ignored her, opening the door of the shop. A rush of warm air enveloped him, along with the mouthwatering aromas of freshly ground coffee and just-baked bread. He stamped his snowy shoes on the rubber floor mat and rubbed his cold hands together.
    “Mayor Lavery, thank goodness you’re here,” Bert said, hurrying toward the door, his florid cheeks and green apron both dusted with white flour. “Them lunatics is out to ruin my business. This place is usually bustin’ full on Saturday night. Especially in the winter.” He suddenly pointed at the frosty window-pane. “There! That’s her. See that tall woman in the blue hat? She’s the ringleader of this bunch of renegades.”
    Rachel waved to him as she passed the window.
    Bert turned to Drew. “Do you know that nut?”
    Drew cleared his throat. “She’s my date.”
    “Your date! You’re dating the leader of this Valentine boycott? Is that what you call supporting the businesses in this town? I thought we made it clear that we expect you to put a stop to all this nonsense, Mayor. The future of Love may depend on it.”
    Not to mention Drew’s political future. He’d been toying with the idea of running for state attorney general after his term as mayor was over. The incumbent had already announced that he planned to retire before the next election, leaving the race wide-open. But if Drew let this boycott succeed under his watch, he’d be laughed right out of the race.
    “I’m working on it,” Drew said. “Dr. Rachel Grant is one stubborn woman, so it may take some time. Maybe you could take steps to defuse the situation if you made your honeybun special available to everyone.”
    The baker set his jaw. “I already gotta sign all made up advertising that special for couples only, and I’m not gonna change it now. Especially for a bunch a namby-pamby crybabies. Besides, I already thought of a way to defuse the situation.”
    Bert’s scowl suddenly turned to a grin as he continued to stare out the window. “Now we’ll see ’em scatter.”
    Drew turned to the window in time to see the protesters link arms together, forming a human chain. Rachel, the ring leader, was now shouting a new chant: “Hell no, we won’t go!”
    The police had arrived.

    Send me no flowers,
    keep your ardor at bay.
    I’ve given up romance
    for Valentine’s Day.
    “CAN YOU BELIEVE they charged me with disturbing the peace?” Rachel exclaimed, her fingers tightly

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