Lea's Menage Diary

Free Lea's Menage Diary by Kris Cook

Book: Lea's Menage Diary by Kris Cook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kris Cook
wiping tears from my eyes.
“It’s hopeless. I care for you, too. But I also care for Reed, and he’s told me
he feels the same. There’s no way through this without someone getting hurt.”
    Kane grabbed my wrists and gently pulled them down. “Sure
there is, sweetheart.”
    “How? One of you backs down after I make an impossible
choice? I won’t do it. I won’t. I won’t.” I closed my eyes tight. My lips were
trembling from the gravity of what I was confessing, but I wasn’t about to
mislead them any more.
    “Open your eyes,” he commanded.
    I complied with more tears brimming.
    “Look at our little sub, Reed. Isn’t she something else?”
Kane asked, smiling.
    Reed nodded, “She sure is, bro. Enough talk. Let’s show
    “Agreed.” Kane squeezed onto the bed next to me.
    “Show me what?” I asked.
    Kane kissed me into silence, his tongue sweeping inside my
mouth like a conquering hero. My heart thudded in my chest, and my toes curled.
As he continued to kiss me, I felt Reed’s hands slide up my thighs, warming up
my lower half.
    I turned my head, freeing myself from Kane’s kiss. “Stop. Please.
I can’t do this. We can’t do this.”
    “Why, Lea? Don’t you understand? Reed and I want to be with
you. You don’t have to choose.”
    How I wanted to believe him, but I knew it was impossible.
“So you two have talked it over? You think this will work? No jealousy? For how
long? I’m not trying to be difficult, but this isn’t a Sophie Oak romance novel
where one woman gets to enjoy the love of several men for the rest of her life.
This is real. I’m flesh and blood and so are you. Sure, we might be able to fool
ourselves and play house for a while, but what happens in a month, a year, or
more? What guarantee can you give me that we have any chance at forever?”
    Reed shook his head. “She sure does love to talk, Kane.
We’re going to have be on our toes dealing with her, don’t you think?”
    “Yes, that’s for sure.” Kane cradled my chin. “Listen to me.
There’s no guarantee, Lea. Not for us. Not for anyone. It’s day by day. We’re
going to have really wonderful times together and we’re going to have tough
times, too. That’s a promise. Will I get jealous of you and Reed sometimes?
Likely. This isn’t what any of us planned, but we’re in it. I love you. Reed
loves you. You love us. Reed is more than just my brother, my twin. He’s my
best friend. There isn’t anyone else I could do this with other than him.
Before you, he was my only family. Now, the three of us have the chance to
become a family. I know it’s fast and you have a million more questions,
    I had at least that many questions and more. “Yes, I do. If
we take this to the next level and move in together—”
    “That’s happening this weekend, pet,” Reed interrupted.
“Kane and I have already discussed this.”
    They were really serious. “Oh my God. You two have figured
this all out.”
    Kane smiled down at me. “Not everything. We’ll do that
together, Lea.”
    I was losing ground fast. Every argument I had would be
flicked away by them easily. “What about kids?”
    “We want a house full, sweetheart.” Kane kissed me on the
cheek. “Your mind is spinning. I think it’s time to quiet that pretty little
head of yours.”
    “Bro, there’s only one way to convince her that this can
work, and it’s not talking to her until we’re all blue in the face, if you get
    Standing, Kane nodded. “Oh, I get you, bro.”
    “Let’s show her. On your feet, sub,” Reed commanded, leaving
the bed and me behind.
    My eyes popped wide. They meant to really show me. What if they were right that
this could actually work?
    Kane stared at me in a way that made me shiver. “Get out of
your head, Lea.”
    “Did you not hear me, sub?” Reed’s tone was more threatening
than I’d ever heard it before.
    It seemed to me that he and Kane had somehow traded their
Dom demeanors. Reed was

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