Curves in the Road (The Southern Devotion Series Book 2)

Free Curves in the Road (The Southern Devotion Series Book 2) by Amy K. Mcclung

Book: Curves in the Road (The Southern Devotion Series Book 2) by Amy K. Mcclung Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy K. Mcclung
breast as I moved up and down. He relaxed his head back on the pillow, closed his eyes and sighed with content.
    Afterwards I moved back on my side of the bed. He leaned over and pressed light kisses along my cheek. "How do you feel?"
    "Amazing." Even that word was not enough to accurately describe everything I felt in the last several hours.
    "So I made your first time memorable?" He asked, with hopeful patience for the answer.
    "I'll definitely never forget this, Derrick." My body certainly wouldn't forget the pleasure, my mind won't forget the way he looks, and more than anything my heart will never forget how gentle he was with me.
    For the next few days we rarely left the bedroom. All our plans to sight see were gone in favor of spending all our time together without any interruptions. We didn’t spend the entire time having sex. For most of the time we talked about our favorite things; movies, music, books. Then Derrick told me about Katelyn's infant years and his struggle with being a single dad. In between our talks he'd stop to call and check on Katelyn. Derrick is drop dead sexy, sweet, funny, and mature, a perfect man that any woman would kill for. I loved all of those things about him, but the thing I loved most is seeing him with Katelyn. The thought of having a child when I was sixteen scared me to even think about. I'm not sure I could've done as well as a mother as he's done as a father. The beautiful thing is that he's never considered her a nuisance or a mistake. Even in the privacy of our room where he could tell me anything he wants, he admits that he never wished he'd given her up.
    On the last morning of our trip, we awoke in each other's arms as usual. "This has been the best long weekend of my life." Derrick planted kisses on my skin after each word he spoke. "I need a shower, care to join me?"
    "Tempting as it is, I think I'll order us breakfast.  After your shower, I want to talk to you about something."
    Derrick's forehead creased with worry, "Nothing serious, right?"
    "Well it's serious, but not bad." I teased him with my riddles. Shoving him playfully from the bed, I say, "Go get your shower , stinky."
    "Ouch, harsh." He winks as he streaks through the hotel room.
    Derrick's phone rang while he was in the shower. It was Gracie's number so I answered it. "Hey Gracie!"
    "MJ? I wasn’t expecting you to answer. Where's Derrick?" She sounded concerned and it worried me that something bad had happened. We'd all been through a lot of rough patches in the last year with Gracie.  Her abusive stalker boyfriend Hudson tried to kill Ashton and Gracie on more than one occasion. One attempt ended up leaving a bullet wound in Derrick. Hudson is dead now, but bad luck seemed to follow Gracie a lot.
    "He's in the shower. What's wrong?"
    "Katelyn's sick. She's running a fever and we're at the hospital having her checked out right now. Luckily these Collins' boys are prepared and he has Ashton listed as a guardian who can approve healthcare services. I need to let Derrick know though. He thought it was a small cold when he left. He said she gets it every time the weather changes because of…"
    "Because of her asthma? He told me. What's different this time? Is it serious?" I stepped toward the bathroom door listening to see if the shower was still running.
    "She woke up this morning with a fever and the doctor said based on her symptoms it could be the flu or possibly pneumonia as a worst case scenario." 
    "Hang on, Gracie."  I knocked on the bathroom door. "Derrick?"
    Derrick opened the door and tugged me inside, pressing his lips to mine. "Couldn’t wait another second for me, could you?" He teased as his mouth moved to my neck.
    Pushing him away gently, I leaned back and held the phone out to him. "It's Gracie."
              Instantly he took the phone and panicked, "Is it Katelyn? What's wrong?" He nodded as Gracie relayed the same information to him. "I can't believe I haven't called you

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