The Finale

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Book: The Finale by Treasure Hernandez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Treasure Hernandez
his arms.
    â€œAre you okay, baby?” he asked as he kissed her on top of her forehead.
    Tears streamed from Halleigh’s eyes as she nodded her head yes. She then rushed into the baby’s room and checked on Malek Jr., who was sound asleep, resting peacefully. She scooped him and kissed him, glad to see he was okay.
    Meanwhile Malek ran to the window in the living room and saw Scar’s black Navigator pull off.
    â€œFuck!” Malek screamed as he paced the room. He knew he’d just put his family in the line of fire, and he couldn’t accept that. Scar had just made it personal by invading his home, breaking all the rules to the game.
    He returned to the back room, where Halleigh was crying and holding their baby close to her chest.
    â€œBaby, I’m scared,” Halleigh cried.
    Malek stood in the doorway, not knowing what to say to her to explain the ambush. “I know, I know,” he said, trying to soothe her. He walked over to her and gently hugged her, with the baby between them. He softly kissed her on the forehead and let her know everything would be okay.
    Malek was going to let the beef stay in the streets, but Scar had crossed that line. He relocated that evening, and quickly put a plan in motion. Scar was about to regret the day he stepped to him.
    Malek set his goons loose on Scar’s crew, orchestrating the robbery of six of Scar’s main trap houses. He already had planned on doing it, but now Scar had just pushed up the date for it.
    Malek’s crew, led by Dayvid, managed to take close to $100,000 from Scar’s various establishments. Dayvid knew all of Scar’s spots because he, at one point, had planned on robbing them anyway. So when Malek told him about the plan, he was well prepared and informed about Scar’s spots.
    Scar’s squad never saw it coming. This only made the beef between them more treacherous and heated. They now hated each other.

Chapter Nine
    Halleigh’s secret was too much for her to handle. As soon as they entered their home, she put their son in his crib and began to pace back and forth in their living room.
    â€œHal, you’re home now. Come take a shower with me. It’ll relax you. You need to get some sleep. You’ve had a long day,” Malek stated.
    So many thoughts were racing through Halleigh’s head, she barely heard him. She was used to them solving their problems together, but on this, she was on her own. She had to find a way to come out of this without taking Malek down. Everything she had ever done was for him. She couldn’t bring herself to deceive him, even though in her heart of hearts, she knew she had no choice. The decision had been made for her when she’d pulled that trigger.
    Malek frowned as he approached her. He knew her like the back of his hand. There was something heavy on her mind. He felt bad because, since they had escaped to B-more, he hadn’t been there like he should have. He could no longer afford the luxury of sitting around and catering to Halleigh all day. No longer a major player in the game, he had to rebuild his paper and his operation. That is why he spent so much time in the streets. He just wanted to give his girl and his son the best, but as he watched Halleigh stress herself out, he could see her falling apart at the seams.
    â€œI can’t do this,” Halleigh whispered. She started getting choked up just thinking about it. She stopped pacing and stared at Malek. “Malek, I need to talk to you. Something happened tonight.”
    Malek went to her side and wrapped his arms around her as she buried her head in his chest.
    â€œAye, this is me, Hal. You can tell me anything. It’ll be okay.”
    â€œNot this time, Malek. I need you to listen to me. I did something really bad tonight—”
    Halleigh was ready to put it all out there, but before the confession could fall from her lips, a loud knock at the door interrupted

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