The Pussy Pounders Volume 1 ( A Novella )
from that. Are you a drug
    “ Oh I'm young,black with
my own shit so I have to be dealing drugs huh? There's a 101 other
illegal things I could be doing but I have to be a dope boy huh?”
DeSean said laughing.
    “ Look, I will not sit here
and play like I'm Miss Goody-Two Shoes DeSean, in my late teens and
my first year of college, I could have chosen better with the guys
I dated. So it's not like I've never been exposed to that type of
lifestyle or environment, shoot I even have a couple cousins I love
that do it. I'm just not there anymore. I made a lot of changes
personally and have really tried to choose better with the men I
get myself involved in. So if that's your type of lifestyle, I'm
not judging you but I don't want any part of it. Even on the level
of friendship.”

    “ Well you can rest assured
Carmen, I am not a drug dealer. Damn! A brotha can't hate his job
without being a drug dealer I guess?” DeSean said laughing. “
Actually I will tell you about my new business venture.” DeSean
said. Shit let me move on to a way more
legit topic! It sounds like she's down to earth in the fact she
know people do wrong shit but when you say that it involves other
women....that's going to go out the window.
    “ OK, what's your new
business then? It better be good since it's not escaping me you've
totally side-stepped my original question.”she said picking up her
fork continuing to eat.
    “ Let me ask you this, what
did you think of the club we were at last night?”
    “ The Moroccan? I loved it!
It was actually my first time ever going there but I'll definitely
be going back. The entire vibe was on point, the décor was
beautiful. You know what I really liked though?”
    “ What was that?”
    “ I loved that everyone was
dressed. It was a grown folks club. Classy, I didn't see one brotha
walking around in saggy jeans and t-shirts. All the women I saw
looked nice too....which you know can be a fine line because some
women will walk their ass out of the house damn near naked. Also
the wine list was you can know,since I got so toasted I
couldn't drive myself home last night!”
    “ Well on Wednesday I'll be
an official part owner in the Moroccan. So if it makes you feel any
better, I guess I'm almost officially a business owner.” DeSean
said smiling proudly.
    “ Are you serious? Wow,
congratulations DeSean! That place is great...and huge! I mean I've
only been there once but it certainly because I haven't wanted to
go more. It can be a bit exclusive at times,with the whole private
parties and everything. Actually my friend I went with last night
arranged for us to get in. This is exciting news. Who are your
partners?” Carmen asked taking another bite of her food.
    “ Well my partners are my
best friends. Like brothers to me actually.”
    “ Hmm, I'm not trying to
start anything but is that a good idea? Usually friends and family
and mixing business with pleasure are not a good idea.” she
questioned looking up from her plate with a raised
    DeSean laughed.
    “ I know exactly where
you're coming from but with us it's different.”DeSean said firmly,
“ My partners are my best friends. Cortez who was with us last
night and Adam. Ownership of the entire club is split three ways
between us. If anyone at any time wants out they have to give a
years notice to the other two owners and allow us to buy them out.
It can never be offered to an outside partner including any
spouses. There's a very detailed contract in place so there's never
any confusion. I think most times when it's messed up between
family and friends it's because everything isn't properly legally
laid out.
    We also have another friend
who is more like a sister that will have a managerial position at
the club, her name is Toni . I'm not worried about being partners
with my friends. We're all the family and friends we've
    Carmen sat there digesting his last
comment. She could tell by the serious tone of his

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