Hammer Down: Children of the Undying: Book 2

Free Hammer Down: Children of the Undying: Book 2 by Moira Rogers

Book: Hammer Down: Children of the Undying: Book 2 by Moira Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Moira Rogers
Lorenzo’s kind of fight than his own, but the objective remained the same—vanquish the opponent. In this case, leave her trembling and undone. So he dragged the woman to her feet and urged her back against the wall. “Close your eyes.”
    She went, but she stared at him in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing.” They were in a dark corner, and his bulk kept her body mostly shielded from the rest of the room. It would be fast, give her a little relief to make up for the fact that his heart wasn’t in it—and satisfy himself with the knowledge that he wasn’t inept with all women. Just the one I want. “Close your eyes.”
    Her lashes fluttered down, and she exhaled a shaky breath. “The forceful thing is hot.”
    “Then maybe you should be here looking for demons instead of humans.” He didn’t even have to slide his fingers under her excuse for a dress. The heel of his hand worked fine, especially when the friction of fabric did most of the work for him. She trembled and whimpered, so needy she seemed to be half-starved for pleasure, but even splayed against the wall, thrusting her hips to meet his hand, she was totally passive.
    Hard to imagine Devi being passive. Stupid to imagine Devi at all, with his hand between another woman’s virtual thighs. He’d made sure he couldn’t pretend, but now he wished he hadn’t. Maybe a long, hard ride with his fist clenched in curly golden hair would shake him out of his insanity. His cock might take more interest in the whole affair if he could close his eyes and feel sleek, warm flesh over hard muscles, the wicked contrast of soft and strong.
    He was still thinking about Devi when a strangled moan alerted him to the fact that his playmate had come. She clutched at his shirt and shuddered through the pleasure, and he felt guilty enough about not noticing that he focused his attention long enough to get her off twice more before leaving her sprawled on a nearby couch, weak-limbed and purring like a kitten.
    Graham stood just outside the room, smoking a cigarette, his coat collar turned up like some centuries-old secret agent. “You’re early.”
    “So are you.” Zel crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. The only smell that registered was the pungent scent of Graham’s cigarette. No trace of the woman’s pleasure lingered, no evidence at all of their encounter, and it underscored all the things he hated about clinical, impersonal sex in the network. No muss, no fuss.
    No satisfaction.
    Graham glanced in the room and nodded politely as the woman in the red dress walked out. His disinterest turned to mild embarrassment when she stopped and whispered thanks in Zel’s ear.
    When she’d gone, Graham crushed out his cigarette. “Heard you had a recent delivery, a real special one. Eyes and ears.”
    “More than we wanted of both,” Zel agreed easily. “Things are all tangled up.”
    “Maybe we can discuss it over beers sometime.” Graham raised his eyebrows. “If you don’t open the package and turn it on, someone might wonder why.”
    Cryptic enough, but Zel had no trouble interpreting. The Nicollet council hadn’t heard from their spy, but if they didn’t soon, they’d know something was wrong. “It had a user manual, but damn if I know if the thing’s outdated.” Is the plan still solid?
    “You’ll muddle through. At this point, anything’s better than nothing.”
    It was a dangerous risk, but Graham only had so much access to the inner workings of the city council. Enough to know that a spy was on the way, but not enough to know why . If Trip could pull off his crazy stunt, if the psychic could get the right info, if no one caught them… If, if, if. Too many variables, too few answers.
    At least he could find out one thing. “Heard any rumblings about my new friends? Too many pretty ladies.”
    “Happy coincidence, as far as I know.” Graham almost smiled. “You should enjoy the view while you can.”
    It didn’t absolve Devi

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