Romancing Mister Bridgerton

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Book: Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Quinn
didn’t blame her if she wanted to escape her own mother from time to time.
    Which somehow, unaccountably, made her feel a little sad.
    He rocked on his heels for a moment, then said, “Well, I shouldn’t keep you out here in the rain.”
    She smiled, since they’d been standing outside for at least fifteen minutes. Still, if he wanted to continue with the ruse, she would do so as well. “I’m the one with the parasol,” she pointed out.
    His lips curved slightly. “So you are. But still, I wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if I didn’t steer you toward a more hospitable environment. Speaking of which…” He frowned, looking around.
    â€œSpeaking of what?”
    â€œOf being a gentleman. I believe we’re supposed to see to the welfare of ladies.”
    He crossed his arms. “Shouldn’t you have a maid with you?”
    â€œI live just around the corner,” she said, a little bit deflated that he didn’t remember that. She and her sister were best friends with two of his sisters, after all. He’d even walked her home once or twice. “On Mount Street,” she added, when his frown did not dissipate.
    He squinted slightly, looking in the direction of Mount Street, although she had no idea what he hoped to accomplish by doing so.
    â€œOh, for heaven’s sake, Colin. It’s just near the corner of Davies Street. It can’t be more than a five-minute walk to your mother’s. Four, if I’m feeling exceptionally sprightly.”
    â€œI was just looking to see if there were any darkened or recessed spots.” He turned back to face her. “Where a criminal might lurk.”
    â€œIn Mayfair ?”
    â€œIn Mayfair,” he said grimly. “I really think you ought to have a maid accompany you when you journey to and fro. I should hate for something to happen to you.”
    She was oddly touched by his concern, even though she knew he would have extended equal thoughtfulness to just about every female of his acquaintance. That was simply the sort of man he was.
    â€œI can assure you that I observe all of the usual proprieties when I am traveling longer distances,” she said. “But truly, this is so close. Just a few blocks, really. Even my mother doesn’t mind.”
    Colin’s jaw suddenly looked quite stiff.
    â€œNot to mention,” Penelope added, “that I am eight-and-twenty.”
    â€œWhat has that to do with anything? I am three-and-thirty, if you care to know.”
    She knew that, of course, since she knew almost everythingabout him. “Colin,” she said, a slightly annoyed whine creeping into her voice.
    â€œPenelope,” he replied, in exactly the same tone.
    She let out a long exhale before saying, “I am quite firmly on the shelf, Colin. I needn’t worry about all of the rules that plagued me when I was seventeen.”
    â€œI hardly think—”
    One of Penelope’s hands planted itself on her hip. “Ask your sister if you don’t believe me.”
    He suddenly looked more serious than she had ever seen him. “I make it a point not to ask my sister on matters that relate to common sense.”
    â€œColin!” Penelope exclaimed. “That’s a terrible thing to say.”
    â€œI didn’t say I don’t love her. I didn’t even say I don’t like her. I adore Eloise, as you well know. However—”
    â€œAnything that begins with however has got to be bad,” Penelope muttered.
    â€œEloise,” he said with uncharacteristic high-handedness, “should be married by now.”
    Now, that was really too much, especially in that tone of voice. “Some might say,” Penelope returned with a self-righteous little tilt of her chin, “that you should be married by now, too.”
    â€œOh, pl—”
    â€œYou are, as you so proudly informed me, three-and-thirty.”

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