Promise Me

Free Promise Me by Dee Julian

Book: Promise Me by Dee Julian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Julian
pillow and closed his eyes.
    “ This is wrong,” Leah whispered as she crept down the stairs behind Anne, Edwin whimpering softly in her arms.
    “ Keep the child quiet or Nicolas will come charging down those stairs after us. Oh, Leah, why did you not use the laudanum?”
    “ I couldn’t.”
    “ My dear, you’ve a great deal to learn about men, but now is not the time to discuss lessons.” At the bottom of the stairs, Anne hurried across the dining area. At the main door, she tugged the heavy bolt back and peered outside. “How long since you gave instructions to your driver?”
    “ Half an hour.”
    “ Did you explain about Edwin?”
    “ That he’s coming with us, yes, but I didn’t provide the details as to why.”
    “ Dear me, I hope he doesn’t think we stole the child.”
    “ Do not worry. Mister Davies has earned my trust.”
    Edwin whimpered. “Mamma?”
    “ No, my love. It’s Leah.”
    “ Eee ah?”
    “ Yes, dearest.”
    Edwin wrapped his little arms around her neck.
    She kissed his cheek. “I realize you are ill, my sweet, but be a good boy and do not make a sound.”
    Anne stepped outside the inn and beckoned Leah to follow. The light from the full moon illuminated the lonely street. Nocturnal creatures chirped their normal sounds, but everything else remained silent.
    Anne tapped her foot nervously. “We are waiting, Mister Davies.”
    “ I’m sure he’ll be along shortly.”
    “ Eee ah?”
    “ Shhh…go back to sleep, love.”
    Around the corner of the inn, the Greyson carriage rolled in like a phantom wind. Davies barely put on the brake before he jumped down to offer assistance.
    Lady Ashburn climbed in first.
    “ Miss Sheridan?” a male voice called.
    Leah’s heart nearly stopped. Reluctantly, she turned.
    A gentleman emerged from the shadows of the inn’s porch. “You seem to have acquired a child since last we met.”
    It was the same man who’d stumbled into the duke’s room hours earlier.
    Mister Davies stepped between them. “And what business is that of yours, sir?”
    “ Just being observant. And the name’s O’Connell.”
    “ Well now, Mister O’Connell, I can tell by your speech that you weren’t taught the ways of the gentry, so I’ll take it upon myself to explain things. You see, the safety of these ladies is my responsibility, and I take that very seriously. So whatever it is you’re peddling...they’re not interested.” He raised a fist. “Shall I explain it further, sir?”
    “ No, I think I got the general idea.” O’Connell tossed Leah a brief glance. “Seems like every Englishman I meet lately has a problem with my face.” He eyed the driver. “You know, Mister…ah...?”
    “ Davies.”
    “ Davies, right. You know, Miss Sheridan might object to such violence.”
    “ Why would I do that?” Leah quipped.
    He grinned. “Because I know whose child that is.”
    Her fear intensified.
    “ Say the word, miss,” Davies insisted. “And I’ll take care of this proper like.”
    Anne stuck her head out the carriage window. “Leah, is this the gentleman who--”
    “ Yes.”
    Her ladyship studied the American briefly. “Interesting. My dear, we cannot afford a commotion so perhaps you should humor him.”
    O’Connell crooked his head to one side. “All I’m asking for is five minutes of your time.”
    Leah handed Edwin to her driver then turned and marched straight up to O’Connell. “What do you want? A tidbit of gossip for your ruthless employer?”
    “ This might sound odd, Miss Sheridan, but I never cared much for gossip.”
    “ Then why work for the notorious Irma Crandle?”
    “ Because I’ve grown accustomed to eating three meals a day. You follow me?”
    She crossed her arms. “You now have four minutes, Mister O’Connell.”
    “ I understand your hesitation to speak to me, and I realize you’ve had a run of bad luck recently, so I’m going to do you a favor.”
    “ Really?”
    “ Are you aware each time

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