Violet: Bride of North Dakota (American Mail-Order Bride 39)
couldn’t help but laugh. “You make him sound so tempting. How could I resist an offer like that?”
    “Daniel Lund is a good man. He is loyal, protective—overprotective, if you ask his younger sister. He builds beautiful furniture, takes care of his mother and father, and helps people in need. He loves children. And he earns a good wage with his woodworking skills.” Amelia paused, then smiled mischievously. “And he’s handsome, too.”
    Violet choked out a laugh. “Yes. He is that.”
    “All the women in town think so. And many a woman has thrown herself at him. But they’ve gone about it all wrong. Ever since Opal... well, you’ll need to ask him about Opal when the time is right. That’s not my tale to share.”
    Hope flickered in Violet’s chest like northern lights. “What do you think I ought to do?”
    “Daniel is a man worth going for—if you have the guts to do it. But how do you go about courting a skittish giant?”
    Violet didn’t have a clue. “How?”
    “You don’t chase him. You get him to chase you.”
    “How?” Violet asked again.
    There was a knock on the door.
    “Oh, I asked Zachary to come by. He’s an important part of our brilliant plan.” She smiled and called out, “Come in.”
    It was indeed Zachary, who came in, saw them, scooped up a plate of food, and sat with them. “Okay, what is this favor you want to ask of me, my dear sister?”
    “You, my dear brother, are going to help us turn Daniel into Shakespeare’s green-eyed monster.”
    “I want to keep my pretty looks, ladies. Daniel is already insanely jealous over your houseguest.”
    The women exchanged glances and smiled. Amelia said, “You are going to come to the family dinner this coming Sunday and help us make Daniel so jealous that he loses his temper.”
    “And kills me. I understand. Will you at least place flowers on my grave?”
    “Papa will protect you, you ninny.” Amelia pushed on her brother’s shoulder. “We’ll call it Plan Green Eyes as he will be seeing green.”
    “More like Plan Where Do We Bury Zachary .”
    “So,” Amelia asked him, “will you help us?”
    “And risk infuriating Daniel?” Zachary grinned. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

    My dearest friend Rachel,
    I miss you so much. We both boarded our trains with great hope in our hearts for happy marriages and family. I hope you will find exactly that with your Thomas, for he must soon realize you are beautiful both inside and out and you will win him over. Things seem to not be exactly as we thought when we left Massachusetts, but that is often the way in life, as we build up expectations that then disappoint. Don’t mistake my meaning. I am certainly not disappointed in Minot. And I absolutely adore the northern lights that shine and flicker in the night sky. I never thought I’d see such beauty as the light display put on by the heavens. And Mr. Evans is indeed as handsome and wealthy as he claimed to be. What more could a woman want? If I could raise a glass and make a toast, it would be that we will both be happy in the marriages for which we traveled so far.
    All my love, your friend, Violet
    ( Letter written after long hours of pondering, October 23, 1890)
    Daniel looked forward to Sunday supper at Amelia’s, to spending relaxed time with Violet after church.
    He knew he shouldn’t be around her, but surely it was safe enough with his sister and brother-in-law at the table with them. And Amelia had practically begged him to come.
    He knocked and Sven opened the door. “Come in and hang up your coat. The party is just starting.”
    “Party?” Daniel asked, stepping inside. At the table sat Violet and Zachary and Paul Carlson, a widower in his forties.
    What was this? His hackles rose. Were they going to auction Miss Keating off like a mare? To the highest bidder?
    He narrowed his eyes at Sven, but his brother-in-law had already closed the door and walked back to the table. He motioned to Daniel to join

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