Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC

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Book: Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC by Selena Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Black
spread open thighs as he tried to plunge his tongue deeper still and his lips were soaked by the gushing wetness of her arousal. Her taste filled his mouth as he whipped his tongue around frantically to make her squirm and writhe. Letting go of his grip on her thighs, he worked his hands under her butt and dug his fingers in her rounded cheeks to drag her towards him as he rasped touches across the velvety skin of her inner depths.
    The way she was willingly pushing herself towards him only encouraged him to give her more, and he enjoyed his fill of her luscious, dripping cunt before eventually moving his head away. He was quick to get up and she groaned as his wet mouth pressed on hers in a fierce kiss. It allowed him to hold his erection against her pussy and he saw her glance down between their bodies when their lips parted.
    “Not here,” he said and grabbed her hand to drag her down from where she was sitting.
    Carrie followed on shaky legs as she was led through to the bedroom. The burning ache between her thighs was growing stronger and she fought to get on top of Crash when they dropped on his bed. She entwined her fingers with his to trap his hands on the mattress and stared down at the man she wanted so badly.
    “You’re driving me crazy,” she teased him as she squirmed around to get herself in a position where she was sitting on his steely, pulsing erection.
    “You know this is crazy, don’t you?” he told her.
    “Uh huh,” she agreed and laughed. “We should stop.”
    There was no chance of that happening though and they both knew it. She wriggled and rocked her body to make his stiff shaft settle in the wet groove of her drenched sex then untangled her fingers from his as the desire to stroke his muscular torso was too much to resist. It sent shivers down her spine as she grazed touches across his naked skin.
    “I used to watch you stripped to the waist in the mechanics workshop on the army base and dream of doing this,” she told him.
    “You were a teenager,” he replied.
    “I couldn’t help it,” she confessed. “You just did it for me and still do.”
    “Who would have guessed you were such a dirty little pervert?” he teased her.
    His hands moved to her hips as she rocked her body to a faster rhythm. The way his hard flesh rubbed on her soft folds of skin was causing the burning ache to become all she could think about.
    “I don’t see you complaining now,” she said in a breathless voice.
    The slight pain of his grip made her muscles flutter and it added to the growing desire that was beginning to overwhelm her. She resisted the hunger to take him inside her as she continued to trace patterns with her fingertips on his brawny chest, but she could only hold her longing at bay for so long and finally rose to her knees. Crash reached between her thighs, but his hand covered her pussy and she knew he was building the tease by making her wait.
    “Come on,” she urged him and shudders ripped through her as the tip of his finger dipped just inside her.
    She slapped her hands down on his chest as she lowered herself to take more of his stiff finger, but it only brought on her lust for what she really wanted. Her nails dug in his skin as she rose up and Crash grabbed his erection to hold it in place for her. The tip brushed against her wet entrance as she lowered herself and the shudders grew stronger.
    “Fuck,” she let out as years of dreaming ended in one quick thrust of Crash’s hips.
    His butt bucked up from the mattress as he fucked inside her and she followed him down when he dropped to the bed. She was rocking her body instantly to make his swollen shaft grind on her silken, slippery skin and her breath rushed out in a long groan as she sat right down on his body to impale herself on his full, throbbing length.
    Crash reached out to grope her breasts, and her nipples stiffened to bullet hard as they rubbed

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