My White Ex Soldier's Past (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Free My White Ex Soldier's Past (BWWM Interracial Romance) by J A Fielding

Book: My White Ex Soldier's Past (BWWM Interracial Romance) by J A Fielding Read Free Book Online
Authors: J A Fielding
had not felt in a long time. She smiled. She felt really confident about herself and what she was about to do. There was no easy way of refusing a man’s proposal, especially when he loved you and you loved him back. This was probably the hardest thing she had ever had to do in her entire life, and that was considering the fact that she had single-handedly brought up Rochelle who was not a very easy person to deal with.
    She walked over to the bed and sprawled herself across it holding a bowl of strawberries and whipped cream. She could feel her heart beating faster by the minute as she waited for Taylor to come home. She had no idea how she was supposed to start.
    “I can’t move in with you because…” Her train of thought trailed off. The end to that sentence could not be favorable however she put it. It was either she did not love him anymore, or that she wanted to take things slow. She shrugged. Every reason was too corny. Too dumb.
    She felt her heart skip a beat when she heard the front door open. She had made sure to leave a trail of clues so that he could know exactly where to find her. She had started off with his favorite dinner, steak, vegetables and mashed potatoes, but she had only set the table for one. In her place, she had left a note that said, I thought we would start with dessert first. On the kitchen table was a chilled bottle of white wine and two glasses with another note. He looked at the note stuck to the bottle and smiled as he read the note.
    You better hurry up. I’m really hot for you.
    She could hear him making his way towards the bedroom and with each step he took, she could feel herself lost for words. She had the whole conversation planned out. How she would begin, how she would react with each and every question he would throw her way. But all that evaporated when she saw him standing at the doorway. She smiled as he leaned against the door holding the wine and the glasses.
    “ Well, well. What did I do to deserve this?” he asked, looking at her. She giggled and took one strawberry and then scooped some whipped cream. She licked the berry suggestively before putting it in her mouth. “Forget that. You’ll tell me everything later on,” he said as he began undressing fast. She smiled as he walked towards the bed wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. He was just about to take them off when she stopped him with a wag of her finger.
    “ Leave that to me,” she cooed as she patted the bed next to her. He laid himself next to her and looked into her brown eyes.
    “ I love the new hairdo,” he said.
    “ Is that all you love?” she asked with a smile. He shook his head.
    “ Oh no,” he said with a smile. “I love how sexy that dress makes you look, not that you need any help in that department, and those heels are absolutely gorgeous. Don’t ever take them off,” he said as he moved closer to her. “And I love you,” he said in a whisper.
    Desiree smiled and felt herself blush. She took another cream-covered strawberry and lifted it to his lips. He parted his lips ever so slightly as he took a bite. He loved it when she took control like this, when he had no idea what would come next.
    “Turn around,” she said in a whisper. Taylor turned around and lay face down as Desiree straddled him. He let out a long low moan as she began rubbing his back. He loved the way she ran her hands down his back, the way she gently tickled his lower back, teasing him more and more. “Tell me what you want,” she whispered in his ear. He smiled. At that moment there was so much he wanted, and to hear her ask was simply a bonus. He waited for her to climb off him before turning around to look at her.
    “ I’ll show you,” he said as he picked up another cream covered strawberry. He brought his hand close to her neck and slowly ran the fruit along the length of her neck, leaving a trail of cream as he did so. He then leaned in and ran his tongue along her neck, licking the cream off as he

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