
Free Dragonkin by Crymsyn Hart

Book: Dragonkin by Crymsyn Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crymsyn Hart
lives. But the gods brought me back to give me another chance with you. Know that I’m here. A part of him. Whatever you say, I’ll hear. Be kind to him. He needs your love more than you know. I have to go now, little bird.”
    She felt the dragon recede from Andrik’s body. Kestrel thought she would be heartbroken again, but she wasn’t. The serenity she had always wanted was with her now. She had said her good-byes, and he was always going to be with her.
    He blinked. “Dragon’s teeth. Did I hurt you?”
    He started to pull away from her, but she caught his arm. “No. You didn’t hurt me.” She rested a hand on his face and felt the fight drain from him. “You gave me the best gift I ever could have asked for.” She leaned in and kissed him lightly. She dragged her tongue across his bottom lip and let her free hand rove over his flat belly. “Make love to me, Andrik.”
    His nails dragged down her back. She heard the rip of fabric and the rake of his nails along her flesh. Andrik’s hands slid under her and scooped her up until she was straddling him. His cock pressed against the fabric of her undergarments. The heat of his body went through the thin material of her nightdress and warmed her. His hands clutched her ass and trailed along her back. Kestrel kissed him again, this time crushing her lips to his hungrily, wanting to taste all of him. She delved her hand under the waistband of his pants and stroked his hard shaft. He broke the kiss and watched her. Kestrel began to stroke him slowly, enjoying the shape of his dick. He made no move to stop her. She shimmied along his body and pulled down his pants to reveal his cock.
    Without saying anything, she took the length of it in her mouth. She cupped his balls and squeezed them lightly. He moaned when she wrapped her tongue around his shaft and dragged her teeth along the sides until she came to the spongy head.
    “I’m supposed to be pleasuring you .”
    She didn’t respond, but worked on his dick faster and faster, drawing what she could of him into her mouth. The spicy taste of him only encouraged her to lick him longer and keep him in her mouth. His hips rose off the bed as he began to plunge into her until he hit the back of her throat.
    From his shallow grunts, she knew he would come at any moment. She wanted to taste all of him. The first spray of come hit her mouth, and she swallowed the tangy fluid. She continued to nurse his cock for a few more sucks, savoring his taste until he was spent. Kestrel gave him a wicked smile and stood up. She pulled off her nightdress, dropped it on the floor, and straddled him. Andrik’s eyes grew larger.
    His hands traveled across her stomach and cupped her breasts. He was scorching her, and she didn’t mind. He brought one of her breasts into his mouth, sucking on her nipple, trying to stuff as much of her breast into his mouth as he could. She wound her fingers through his hair and held him there while she began to gyrate against him.
    His hands gripped her hips. He uttered a groan and fell back on the bed. She was heating up. The power between them flared to life, and the link that bonded them together wound around her. She was awash in its power and let it bathe her. His sharpened nails scraped down her back. She registered some pain, but not much. Something was happening inside of her she couldn’t understand. The magic and the fire were coming together and burning her up from the inside out.
    She cried out when he pulled away.
    “What’s the matter?” he asked, breathless. “Something’s happening to you. I can feel it.”
    “I don’t know how to describe it. Everything is merging inside of me.” She squeezed her eyes shut and let the power overtake her. Things shifted within her. The presence in her that was dragon awoke. It wasn’t pain in the way she was used to. It was beyond anything she ever felt. This was happening to her spirit.
    “We can stop.”
    She shook her head. Somehow, she knew

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