The Shadow Zone 2: Winning Madeline

Free The Shadow Zone 2: Winning Madeline by Isabella Jordan

Book: The Shadow Zone 2: Winning Madeline by Isabella Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabella Jordan
Tags: Romance
are able to care for their families and have a natural existence. They have nice homes, plenty of food. They don’t have to worry about the poverty and lawlessness of where you came from. We protect them from the threat of other vampires and even other humans. The village hasn’t been there long and we’ve had a couple of defections. But so far, it’s working well.”
    Madeline didn’t say anything for a couple moments. Her hands loosened on the plate of grapes however. Surely that was a good sign. “I could live there, right? You could come see me there…”
    Maddox pushed back the stab of pain those words brought. He tried to remember that she had no idea how he felt about her. She’d had no time to develop feelings for him.
    She would develop the same feelings for him, wouldn’t she? What would become of him if she didn’t?
    “Madeline, is that what you really want?” he asked gently. “To continue to sell yourself to other men for money?”
    “No, it’s not what I wanted. I guess I thought…” Her throat worked as she swallowed hard. “I guess I thought I could live like that. Growing a garden, giving a little blood here and there. You said you’d be my only client so just you…”
    Maddox did smile now. She remembered his conditions. She wasn’t trying to get out of their agreed sexual arrangement which made him happy. She was, however, testing the waters about living in the village. Away from him. No, he wouldn’t allow that as a possible avenue for her.
    “But we have Vincent to consider,” he reminded her. The flash of fear in her eyes bothered him but he could tell it effectively ended any talk of her moving away from him.
    A low rumbling growl echoed in her body and he shook his head.
    “I’m told you’ve eaten very little today. Why?” he asked her. “You’re starving.”
    Her face flushed pink. “I am hungry, but I…”
    Maddox waited patiently but she seemed at a loss for words. “Yes?”
    “I’m adjusting to everything, I suppose. And you have to realize that the food here is, well, a lot more than I normally have to eat. I guess I’ll eat more in time.” And with that she set the plate of grapes to the side, glancing up at him with determination in her face. The look that told him she was ready to fulfill her agreement to sleep with him was in place on her face like a mask.
    Maddox sighed. Physically he didn’t care that she was going through the motions as his hired lover. His body ached for her and would take her any way he could. His heart ached for her too and not in a good way. He didn’t want to be her obligation. He wanted her to want him.
    He just hoped one day she would.

    Chapter Seven
    Madeline took a deep calming breath as she contemplated the evening ahead. Now she did feel hungry after worrying all day about the mysterious world of vampires she’d entered. Her new and exclusive client was one-or so he claimed. There was still some unease for her in knowing he wasn’t technically alive. How easy it would be for him to kill her at any moment.
    Still, Vincent had been just as dangerous and unlike Maddox, he’d been ill-tempered. As a Lycan, he too had incredible strength and had been rough with her on many occasions. Out of bed, he’d been civil but never kind.
    Maddox had shown her more warmth in a day than anyone else had in years. He’d been unconcerned with her wandering around the enormous house. He’d taken her to see Gerald and Ivy who were safe and well cared for just as he’d promised. And it had made her heart so light to see the little girl in her pretty dress, her stomach no longer growling because of the food available to her now.
    Gerald, like Madeline, seemed a little haunted and cautious, considering their circumstances. They were surrounded by vampires and it was foreign and dangerous territory. But like her, it seemed he’d been treated well enough to give it a try.
    Maddox’s blue eyes watched her from under impossibly

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