New Title 1

Free New Title 1 by Edward Lee, David G. Barnett

Book: New Title 1 by Edward Lee, David G. Barnett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Edward Lee, David G. Barnett
deep-burgundy color, with white dots.
    MALE VOICE #1 (O.S.)
    (gruff Jersey accent)
    We’re rollin’, boss.
    MALE VOICE #2 (O.S.)
    (snappy Jersey accent)
    How’re the lights? You check the lights?
    MALE VOICE #1 (O.S.)
    Meter’s readin’ right on.
    MALE VOICE #2 (O.S.)
    Bring the kid in…
    MALE VOICE #3 (O.S.)
    (higher-pitched Jersey accent)
    Comin’ right up.
    The scene HOLDS. We hear brief CLATTER O.S.
    A Small Boy (CRORY Tuckton) is moved INTO FRAME. A Man in a Suit moves behind Crory, but we do not see his face. He appears to non-verbally direct the Boy to sit on what must be a stool, for we see no chair-back. We PUSH IN on young Crory’s Face…
    He’s SOBBING, his face smudged and tear-trailed. His longish, butterscotch hair is disarrayed.
    The Man in the Suit moves OUT OF FRAME.
    MALE VOICE #2 (O.S.)
    Go on kid, talk to your daddy.
    Daddy? Uncle Helton? These-these men, they done took me when I were droppin’ crayfish traps at Hog Neck Lake like I’se do ever mornin’, and-and…they brung me ta this big motor-home thing that smells real bad, and-and there’s this big fat lady here, and-and—
    Crory’s tears flow; he continues to SOB and SNIFFLE. We hear a MALE CHUCKLE O.S.
    Daddy? These men tolt me they’se talked to ya ’bout gettin’ me back to Uncle Helton’s house but said you didn’t want me no more, and they tolt me Uncle Helton say the same—
    At this, the already stifled Dumar lunged from his rickety seat, bellowing. “You hear that, Paw! These men snatched that my boy tolt him we didn’t want him no more!” and then Dumar made the coarsest vociferation of rage intertwined with despair. He slammed his fists into the wall, even the first adrenalin-accelerated impact splitting the planks like balsa wood. Helton bear-hugged him, muscling him back down to his seat.
    “Get a grip, son! Don’t go bustin’ yourself up! We gots to find out what this is all about!”
    Cock-eyed, Dumar summoned all of his self-restraint to keep himself seated. Meanwhile, the movie continued…
    BACK TO:
    We remain CLOSE on Crory’s disoriented and terrified face.
    Please, daddy! Tell these men ya want me back! They’se bad men. I’se sorry I stolt them quarters out yer pants that time’n lied ’bout pullin’ Kelli Jean Rooder’s pants down—I’ll never do stuff like that again, I’se promise, but, daddy, please tell these men ya want me back!
    MALE VOICE #1 (O.S.)
    Melda, open them big log legs of yours and show the kid the goods.
    Male Hands grab Crory’s head and turn it to the right.
    MALE VOICE #2 (O.S.)
    Take a good look, kid—
    Crory is looking at something OUT OF FRAME. He SCREAMS high and whistle-like, like a little girl. We hear Male CHUCKLING O.S.
    Crory’s head is roughly re-positioned to look back at the CAMERA but now the whites of his eyes have filled with Red Blots.
    MALE VOICE #2 (O.S.)
    Damn, Doc. Why’s that always happen?
    MALE VOICE #4/DOC (O.S.)
    (distressed, no accent)
    A hypertensive spike causes the certain ocular blood vessels to hemorrhage…
    …the effect of sheer, unbridled terror…
    We remain CLOSE on Crory’s face as…
    Male Hands seal a piece of Duct Tape across Crory’s lips. Crory HEAVES, while only MEWLS are now heard through the tape.
    Another set of Male Hands begin to smear some odd, white-yellow muck over Crory’s head. A WET, SLOPPING sound accompanies the action. In moments, Crory’s head is slathered in this substance.
    MALE VOICE #2 (O.S.)
    All right, cut it now. Let’s get a nice, juicy close-up…
    CUT TO:
    We see the FRAME FULL of pallid, cellulite-dimpled fat: a Morbidly Obese Woman spreading her legs. Her Vaginal Ingress GAPES, an Organic Hole the circumference of a cereal bowl…
    In the

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