Galaxy of Empires- Merchant Wars Episode #1
your new clothes.” Walk over to the jewelry
section. Xaqu spots a snake staff that she likes and asks her
mother if she can have it.
    “Yes, dear, you can get it. I think it will
look great with your outfits.”
    “I can enchant it for you, too, Xaqu,”
Gothica says. Xaqu’s face is filled with happiness. They continue
to try on jewelry for a couple of hours before they leave.
    “Take us home, Henry.”
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    They arrive home, and Eve shows them around
and assigns each of them their rooms. Then they stay up talking,
playing games and, of course, laughing a lot. The girls have never
had this much fun in all of their lives.

    Chapter Six
    After spending a couple of days at Eve’s home, the
door chimes. Henry, who is the butler as well as the driver, walks
down the hall and answers the door. There is a tall skinny Android
in yellow and chrome metal with triangle eyes standing there.
    “Greetings, I am assistant 123, I work with
the consulate for the Consortium. I have been instructed by my
government to invite Evella Noctu to the consulate for a meeting
with our administration.”
    “I will inform the Madame promptly, wait
here.” Henry walks down the hall and knocks on the door.
    “Ma’am, someone is here from the Consortium
consulate and has requested your presence at the consulate to have
a meeting with their administration.”
    “Okay, Henry, tell them we will be there
within 30 minutes.”
    “Excellent, ma’am.” Henry walks down the hall
back to the front door and tells the representative the lady will
be there within 30 minutes. The Android leaves. Just as Henry
begins to walk down the hall again, he sees Eve emerge from her
    She says, “Bring the hovercraft around the
front. I need to get the girls up and dressed.”
    “Excellent, ma’am.” Henry disappears outside
and goes to the garage. Eve goes to the back part of the house and
wakes up the girls and tells them to get dressed as they are
leaving in 10 minutes. After a few minutes, the group of four women
emerges out of the front door and climbs into the hovercraft
waiting for them. After a quick 10-minute flight downtown, they
come up to the Consortium consulate and land at the drop-off point
at the front gate. Henry pulls the hovercraft around to where the
other limousine drivers are waiting at the consulate. The four
women go through the main entrance after being scanned for weapons.
They continue through the courtyard into the main building. They
see androids all over the place, some of them working as employees
and some trying to get different types of documents from the
    “That is a whole lot of Androids, but the
Consortium has about 20 billion citizens, I’d guess,” Eve remarks
to her daughters. They take a number and sit down among the
hundreds of androids and other people trying to get service. A few
minutes later, an Android comes up to Eve.
    “Lady Noctu, you do not have to wait here.
Please come with me. The Creator is expecting you. Follow me.”
    Eve thought to herself, who
is the Creator? They got up and followed the Android down a
few halls and onto an airlift that was going down. Eve notes that
the airlift has no floor buttons on it and thought this is very
odd. After descending downward for several minutes, the airlift
stops and opens up. They get out and turn left and go down the long
hallway. In this hallway, there are soldier Androids walking
through the corridors and posted at each of the doors. A big sign
on the wall indicates the restricted area in several languages.
    They walk down to the end of the hall and
take a right. Then they go down another long hall and take a left.
The door opens up into a large grand hallway with two big doors at
the end. The grand hallway is lined with soldier Androids who are
heavily armed. They go down to the end of the hall and the two
large doors open slowly and they walk inside a vast chamber that
has the Consortium symbol in the middle of the floor.

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