Galaxy of Empires- Merchant Wars Episode #1
until it is
too late. Also, I know that in your profession you run across a lot
of seedy characters. I need one of your contacts from the black
market, if you can arrange that. I’ll give you a hundred platinum
bars, 50 for you and 50 for the contact just for setting up the
    “Sounds like you’ve got big plans, and I can
smell the money now,” Fartan says, already spending the money in
his head before anything has even happened.
    “I think when they created the saying
‘Lawyers are a bunch of slimy snakes’ they were thinking about you,
Fartan,” Eve remarks.
    The snake man responds,” Why, thank you, My
Lady,” trying to figure out if that was a compliment or an
    After a few days, they enter the port at
Hoshan and touch down.
    “Yes, I see your lawyer filed all the papers
on this ship, but he didn’t pay the docking fee or the penalty fee
for not have the correct ship identification number painted on the
vessel,” the port supervisor insists.
    “That is a bureaucracy for you,” Gartooth
    “Okay.” Eve gets out the currency transfer
pad from her vest and pushes some buttons. “There, that should do
it,” she sighs.
    “Okay, and here is a package your lawyer
left,” the supervisor says as he hands her a box. She opens up the
box full of passports and other documents. There is also a note in
there from Fartan.
    “The Consortium consulate will have the rest
of your documents.”
    “Okay, guys, take a month-long vacation. I
have some things to attend to, and I added bonuses for everyone for
this hardship we have been through. I am going to be working on
getting us a new ship. 42, I need you to check on the status of our
other ships and the funds we have available to buy a new ship
before you take off on vacation,” Eve says to the crew.
    “Thanks, Boss” they say as they depart on
their separate ways.
    Doc says, “Don’t think it is a wise idea to
allow Gothica to walk around in the city, as she is undead.”
    “We do business with arachnid merchants here
in the home world. They even have a consulate here. Granted there
are not very many of them here and they are a rare sight, but they
are hardly a disruption. As far as being undead, the only reason
you think that is because you know she is undead. But look at her:
she looks like any other arachnid as her coloring has not changed
or anything. You said yourself she is a mutant undead. I mean they
eat the same things and the same way whether they are alive or
undead. The sun has no effect on her and trust me no one will know.
Besides, she will probably walk around invisible most of the time
because she shy.”
    “Hmm….That is true. You know me, I am just a
worry wart.”
    Eve chuckles,” That is the truth.”
    “I will do more research on arachnids while I
am on vacation. I will read a lot of books and stuff, as I am a
curious person.”
    “That is fine, Doc. I will call you and we’ll
do lunch sometime next week.”
    “Sure.” The Wolfkin waves goodbye as a taxi
hovercraft appears and scoops her up. About that time, a rather
large hovercraft appears in front of Eve. It is a luxury model with
all the bells and whistles. A human chauffeur gets out and goes to
the other side to open the door.
    “Hi, Henry, I see you been keeping my prized
limousine in good condition while I have been gone. I do not have
any baggage this time around as I lost my ship, but I’m going to go
shopping with my daughters. Say hello to Xaqu and Chacu and my
adopt daughter, Gothica,” Eve announces.
    Henry is alarmed by the sight of Gothica who
has changed her legs into two humanoid legs while still having four
    They all got in the eight-seater hovercraft
that had vid screens and other cool gadgets.
    “Take us down to the market center. Stop at
the Giuliana’s store first, Henry.”
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    “Okay, girls, stay close to me and do not
wander and no eating people, okay?” Eve felt that was odd thing to
have to say, but

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