Prowling the Vet

Free Prowling the Vet by Tamsin Baker

Book: Prowling the Vet by Tamsin Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamsin Baker
folds, moaning as her delicious taste
spread across his tongue. He’d never tasted anything, or anyone like it. Wow.
He dropped his head and began to eat her out properly, with the appetite of a
man who was starving, because he was. She was like the richest wine when he’d
been living on dirty water.
    Laura cried out and reached down to dig her nails into his head.
    “Fingers. Please, Tyler.”
    Tyler grinned against her beautiful lips and brought his hand
closer to her opening. She needed penetrating, he knew, and fuck, what he
wouldn’t give to be able to sink balls-deep into her right now.
    But Brandon and he had already talked about it, and they’d both
decided that the best way to earn her trust and affection was to be selfless in
this first time together. Laura was now the most important woman in the world
to them, and she needed to know that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    Tyler traced the pink, swollen opening with his fingertips and
focused on suckling her clit as he slid two thick digits into her.
    “Fucking hell! Oh, crap!”
    Tyler looked up to watch Brandon holding down a thrashing Laura,
her body heaving with her post-orgasmic shudders.
    Brandon held Laura’s wrists to the bed above her head and
dropped down to kiss her. She moaned and surged up to meet him.
    Tyler looked back down at the swollen, wet, juicy cunt in front
of him. This was it. The last pussy he’d ever see, feel, and taste. And it was
the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
    He moved his fingers in and out, reaching inside her, and
pressing on the textured little bit of skin at the back of her vagina. A
muffled groan sounded and Tyler teased it over and over while he flicked her
clit with his tongue. A cry flew into the air above them as Laura tensed her
entire body, her legs straightening on the bed on either side of him.
    Tyler licked faster, feeling her pussy tense around him, then
with another hoarse cry Laura began to shake. Her cunt squeezed around his
fingers in waves of spasms and a light cream coated his tongue.
    Oh, fuck, that
tastes good.
    Tyler licked her clean as she shook with the aftermath of her
latest orgasm, and he slowly withdrew his fingers.
    He could hear Brandon whispering to her, so with a final kiss to
her spectacular pussy, Tyler crept up the bed and took the almost comatose
Laura into his arms.
    “I…you…what about?” Laura’s eyelids
opened and closed, her eyes glazed over in a bliss of
pleasure that made her look drugged. Tyler could only hope that she got
addicted to him and Brandon, because now they’d never let her go.
    “Sleep, sweetheart, we’re here.”
    She settled her head against his chest and almost instantly her
breathing changed into the even patterns of someone asleep.
    “I’m about to burst over here!”
    Tyler smiled and let his own eyes close. His cock was throbbing
against the fly of his jeans, but he was completely content. In an emotional
sense, he couldn’t feel better.
    “Well, you go fix yourself somewhere else. I’m staying here.”
    Brandon made some gruff noises but he soon settled on the bed
behind Laura and lay an arm around her.
    Despite his buzzing body, they must have drifted off, because
the next thing Tyler knew, he was waking up to Laura shifting uneasily in bed.
    He kissed her head. “You okay, honey?”
    She pulled back a little to look up at him, “I need to pee.”
    He chuckled and forced his lethargic body to roll off the bed,
pointing in the direction of the master bathroom.
    “In there.”
    Tyler watched Laura pick up her clothes quickly as she shuffled
to the bedroom, looking far too self-conscious for a woman who had broken apart
in their arms not so long ago.
    “Where’s she going?” Brandon’s groggy voice sounded from the bed.
    Tyler looked back at his sleepy twin. “Bathroom.”
    “ Hmmmm ,” Brandon let his head drop
back against the pillow and Tyler stretched, feeling oddly settled and peaceful.
stepped back into the room, looking shy

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