loops big enough to stick her hands through when the time came.
She straightened from her bent position over the bunk and the pain knifed through her. She gasped, froze, and felt tears scald her eyes. For a few moments she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but remain inert until the pain passed. Distantly, she heard Tucker’s voice, but she couldn’t understand him or answer him. The pain subsided gradually like a hot sun slipping behind a cloud. Copper righted herself by inches and wiped moisture from her eyes. That’s when she saw Tucker standing before her, his green eyes wide with concern.
“What? Talk to me! You’re not … oh, God in heaven. Tell me you’re not having that baby. Sweet Jesus. Oh, Christ. You are, aren’t you? It’s coming. Oh, God … damn it all! Why did I let you stayhere when I knew good and well you should be at the fort!”
“Quit your whining. I’m the one in pain. Besides, I’m not having the baby just yet. I’ve had these little twinges since last night. Probably will be another day or two before anything happens.”
“Last night … you’ve been in labor since
last night?
” He staggered and almost lost his balance. Gripping the cane tightly with both hands, he managed to hang onto his equilibrium. “Will you listen to reason, Copper? We can’t do this alone. We need help. There must be a woman near here who’s been through this. What about the Indians? They’ll help you.”
“They’d just as soon kill me and the baby,” she said. “I told you, I’m a witch to them. My baby is bad medicine, too.” She scrutinized him, noting his chalky complexion and the beads of perspiration on his forehead. “You look wobbly. Take a rest and store up your energy. I’ve more chores to do.”
“Chores? You can’t do any work. You’ll hurt the baby.” His gaze landed on the parfleches of water and his eyes bulged. “My God! You’ve been toting that water and … and whatever you’ve been doing outside. Copper, sit down this minute. No, better yet, get into bed.”
“I’m not getting into bed.” She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked him squarely in the eyes. “Listen to me, Tucker Jones. Yelling and stomping isn’t helping me a bit. You’re making me nervous, that’s what you’re doing.” She leaned forward, peering intently into his eyes. “Simmer down, you hear?”
He released his breath and it washed warmly over her face and stirred wisps of her fiery hair. “I admire your courage, Copper, but too much courage can make a person act foolishly. The Indians might think you’re more than human, but I don’t.”
She removed her hands from his shoulders andstepped back to give him a stern look. “You going to help me or gripe all the live-long day?”
He hung his head in defeat. “I’m tired of fighting you, Copper. I’ll help.”
“I’m glad to hear you’re a man of your word. We struck a trade, didn’t we? Help me push this trunk away from the foot of the bed.”
“You’ll be standing where that trunk is, that’s why. Got to have a clear view of what’s happening. We’ll need to hang some lanterns from those hooks up there”—she pointed them out—“so you’ll have decent light should the baby come in the dead of night. During the day, if the sun’s out, we’ll have some light coming in the window. But if it’s cloudy and gray, it’ll be too dark for you to see the baby’s coming.”
Tucker’s knees trembled and he sat down with a thump. Cold sweat bathed his forehead and his stomach flopped over. He stared at the foot of the bed and imagined himself standing there, watching Copper’s baby crown between her legs. Bile churned up into his throat. He swallowed to keep from gagging.
“What’s ailing you now?” Copper asked, laying a hand flat across his sweaty forehead.
“Copper, I’ll pass out when your time comes. I know I will.”
“Pass out? You got to be funning me. A battle-hardened man