Survival Games

Free Survival Games by J.E. Taylor Page A

Book: Survival Games by J.E. Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.E. Taylor
Tags: Fiction: Suspense/Thriller
mistake,” Ty said.
    Frank shifted uncomfortably
and said nothing.
    “I disagree. If we
doped her up again, I bet she would be just as good,” Chris challenged.
    Ty looked over his
shoulder at the screen. He didn’t like betting on her and took a deep breath. “Okay,”
he said. “If she doesn’t, then we do things my way, and if she does, you two
get to do whatever you want and we do things your way.”
    Frank looked at
Ty. “Maybe it should just be Chris,” he said.
    “Two on one sells
better than one on one,” Ty stated. He sensed his brother’s discomfort, but
didn’t know why. “Go set things up and I’ll bring her in.”
    Ty grabbed a red
dress and walked into the room. Her bloodshot eyes locked with his and her
eyebrows rose in surprise. He turned off the treadmill and undid her wrists,
pausing and staring at the bruises and cuts from the shackles. He raised his
eyes to hers, silently questioning her.
    “I fell,” she
answered, pulling her throbbing wrists to her chest and avoiding his gaze.
    “Are you okay?” He
stepped closer and she winced, stepping away. Her reaction sent threads of fear
through him. What did they do to her while I was gone?
    “I’m fine.”
    He handed her the
dress. “Go clean up.”
    She took it and
did as he asked. He heard the shower go on and turned toward the treadmill,
inspecting it. Something definitely was not right and he looked back at the
bathroom when the shower turned off and then his gaze traveled to the mirror.
    He was the only
one capable of putting the fear of God into the prisoners and that’s what he
saw in her eyes. Anger simmered and he started across the room.
    She stepped into
his field of view and he sucked in his breath. The dress clung to her sensuous
curves instantly lighting his fire and when she ran her fingers through her wet
hair, he didn’t dare move a muscle for fear he’d grab her and bolt, taking her
out of this place and disappear into obscurity.
    Neither of them
moved right away. With an almost imperceptible shake of his head, he dismissed
the initial shock of seeing her and said, “Come with me.”
    He wrapped his
hand around her upper arm, staring at the barely visible bruises around her
wrists. He met her gaze before leading her out of the room and down the barren
concrete hall. She didn’t resist and she didn’t speak, her bare feet making the
lightest of swishes in comparison to his squeaky sneakers. It wasn’t until he
opened the door to the room that she tried to pull away.
    “Uh-uh.” She shook
her head, her eyes wide at the sight of the two men.
    Ty clenched his
teeth and yanked her into the room. He wanted her here about as much as she
wanted to be here and his mood darkened. He threw her toward them. “Hold her!”
    Ty filled the
syringe and walked to Jessica. She trembled, staring at the needle with wide
scared eyes. It didn’t take long for the drug to take effect and she sank to
the couch, her eyes glossy as she traded hostile glances with the three of
them, crossing her legs and arms.
    Ty stepped back
and took a seat at the table, watching the dynamics between Jessica and Frank
in particular. The way her body tensed when her gaze landed on Frank set off
his internal alarms and he felt his body react in a similar fashion. Muscles
clenched and his heart thundered in his chest, the anger that started in her
room bloomed, threatening to explode.
    Chris sat down
next to Jessica on the couch and ran his hand up her leg.
    She slapped it
away. “I don’t think so,” she snapped and looked from Chris to Frank and back. “Not
goin’ ta happen,” she slurred with attitude. She looked at Frank. “You already
got some today, last night too. Did you know about that?” She looked at Chris
then beyond him at Ty. “He told me he’d kill me if I told you.”
    The volcano
    Frank launched at
her and Ty moved like a shadow, intercepting Frank before he could touch her
again. In one motion, he catapulted him

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