His Witch To Keep (Keepers of the Veil)
ceiling. “I can’t follow you up there…for so many reasons.”
    She cupped the back of his head, pulling his lips to hers. The minute his warm, soft lips touched her, she groaned. So right. Her tongue tickled along the seam of his lips until he opened. She stroked her tongue against his.
    He stumbled to lean against the wall of the elevator and growled in response. Abruptly, he pulled away.
    She moaned complaint and tried to pull his head back to her. “Please.”
    “Get healed first. Then call me. But only call if you are ready to tell me who threatens you and you’ll listen to me in order to resolve the situation. You need to go.”
    She buried her head in his neck, silently begging him not to leave her.
    He pulled her tight against him. Hoarsely, he said, “I need for you to do this, ragana . To take care of yourself. One more minute with you here and I…might not let you go. You need to hurry. Your druid is not long for this world bleeding like that.”
    “I’ll go, but you have to tell me one truth about yourself. Prove I can trust you. That me voluntarily coming to you for help won’t end up being about you dictating and me not knowing what the hell is going on.”
    His face softened. “All right, mano ragana . One truth.”
    My witch. Didn’t that just send shivers down her back. “What are you? I know you’re not druid.”
    He hung his head. “I’ve never told anyone. It’s not that I don’t trust you with this information. I’m not supposed to.”
    She touched his cheek, a silent plea for him to share.
    He whispered on an exhale, “I’m a death reaper.” The force of the emotion in his eyes stole her breath. She didn’t know what the title meant, although it sounded terrifying. Yet he’d given her a small piece of himself, a piece he’d never shared with anyone else.
    “Thank you.” She nodded and pushed away from him in a signal for him to put her down, although every instinct in her screamed not to leave him.
    He gently placed her on the floor. His face scrunched up into a pained expression. “Do not mention me to Bryce. I might have threatened him a bit in the past. He doesn’t care for me very much.”
    He made a call me sign next to his ear as the elevator doors slammed shut.
    No. Come back. Her finger paused a millimeter from pressing the door-open button. Her gaze slid to Eli. He needed healing now. She owed him so much for protecting her now and in the past. For believing in her. She tapped the button for the top floor, and her legs buckled. She landed into a sit beside him. Her mind swirled and she blinked at the double vision of the number pad. Blood loss and adrenaline aftermath. Had to stay awake.
    As the elevator powered upward, she whispered to Eli, “Don’t die. Hang in there.”
    She brushed the hair off his face and leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Thank you.”
    When the metal doors slid open on the top floor, she stared at Bryce’s entry door across the hallway and willed herself to move, but couldn’t summon enough strength.
    She texted Matt: In elevator. Need help.
    Her head fell back against the mirrored walls as the elevator doors slammed shut. The car remained on the upper level.
    Seconds later the elevator doors opened. Matt, Eli’s mirror image minus his large facial scar, glowered at the two of them. Equally muscled, tall and handsome, Matt was a force, especially now that he not only CEOed an international tech-weaponry corporation, but also because he’d been promoted to druid leader a few months ago. “Damn it,” Matt announced after scanning the two of them.
    She struggled to a stand, waving off his help. Pain shot down her side when she moved, although she refused to vocalize the agony. She waved at Eli. “I can make it on my own. He needs you much more than me.”
    Her side sizzled with pain with each step of her trek into the penthouse. She touched along her side, discovering she’d been hit not just in her arm. How hadn’t she

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