Making Out

Free Making Out by Megan Stine

Book: Making Out by Megan Stine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Stine
sugar bar needs to be refilled.”
    â€œThe tables look damned dirty to me,” he said, without turning around to look at them.
    Lisa Marie laughed. “I just wiped them ten minutes ago. And besides, I’m alone right now. I can’t leave the till.”
    Li’l D nodded and gave her another intense stare.
    Then he grinned. “You . . . me . . . prom night.” It wasn’t a question.
    â€œDefinitely,” Lisa Marie answered with a cautious laugh.
    Her heart skipped a beat, excited. Was he serious? He’d definitely been flirting with her. But at the same time, she figured he was just playing around. Otherwise, why not come right out and ask her to the prom?
    Li’l D grinned and left the store. On his way out, he turned to give her a two-finger salute.
    â€œThat’s five,” Graham said, coming up behind her from the back room.
    â€œOh, God! Do you think so?” Lisa Marie asked. “I mean, I don’t think he was serious. Was he?”
    She hoped so, but she really had no idea.
    The look on Graham’s face made her think, Yeah. Maybe so .
    That would be incredible, Lisa Marie thought. Spending prom night with Li’l D was her idea of heaven. Of all the guys she’d been flirting with for the past few weeks, he was the only one who really made her heart go pitter-patter.
    â€œHere comes number six,” Graham said, nudging Lisa Marie and knocking her out of her daydream.
    She looked up and saw Todd walking toward the counter like he wanted something other than coffee.
    â€œThat’s not number six,” she said under her breath to Graham. “That’s my ex.”
    â€œOoooh.” Graham seemed intrigued. “Well, we’re not busy, if you want to take a break.”
    Todd’s face was all serious . . . and did she also detect . . . apologetic?
    â€œCan I talk to you?” He pushed his straight black hair out of his eyes. He hardly ever cut his hair, and on some guys it would’ve looked cool. On Todd, it just looked forgetful.
    Lisa Marie stepped out from the counter and stood in the corner, her arms crossed over her chest. “What?”
    â€œI don’t know.” He was looking down at his feet, trying to pull it together to say whatever it was he’d come to say. “Maybe this isn’t the right time . . . I just . . .”
    â€œWhat? Just say it,” Lisa Marie snapped. It was really awkward standing there in the corner, trying to have some kind of conversation with him while Graham pretended not to eavesdrop and stare.
    She had no idea what Todd wanted, but whatever it was, she wasn’t too interested in giving it to him. Why the hell should she? He had dumped her, unceremoniously, after two long, tedious years. What the hell was that ?
    â€œOkay.” Todd met her eyes. “I was thinking . . . I mean, I wondered if you, maybe, wanted to try getting back together.”
    â€œWhy?” She eyed him coldly.
    Todd didn’t flinch or look away. “I broke up with you because I wanted to ask Delia Apfelbaum to the prom,” he said. “But she turned me down.”
    Lisa Marie had to smile. The one good thing she could always say about Todd was that he was a straight shooter, almost unnervingly honest. She didn’t know any other guy who would just spit out the truth that way. It almost made her like him again. Almost, but not quite.
    â€œThanks for telling me the truth,” she said softly. “But I’ve got other plans for the prom. I’m going with Marianna and Heather.”
    Todd looked hurt. He seemed to be racking his big brain, trying to think of some way to change her mind.
    â€œI’ve got to get back,” she said, turning toward the cash register.
    â€œOkay. Well, maybe I’ll see you at the prom?” Todd called hopefully. When she didn’t answer, he slinked out of Starbucks, scraping his messenger bag on the doorframe on his way.

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