“Perhaps, but not now and not today. Begone!”
The Saint turned around and slowly retreated. A small assemblage of gobsmacked spectators stood outside on the high street, but Mr Chester hurriedly locked the front doors and snapped the shutters closed to put an end to their entertainment.
Once he was done securing his shop, he turned around with a ghastly expression on his face. “I really shouldn’t have done that.”
~ Chapter Eight ~
“How did you make him leave, boss?” Indy was trembling like a leaf, but he was visibly impressed by his usually bookish yet suddenly heroic employer.
Mr Chester had begun wrapping his forearm in a bandage and seemed to have gone grey with worry. “By using forces that are supposed to be forbidden, Indy. The only remnants of magic still left in this world are within each of us. Specifically, within our blood. When the Father cast the Great Spell to eradicate all magic, he left a tiny remainder in human beings. Our souls cannot exist without magic, so to eradicate it entirely would leave us no different from animals. Witches, warlocks, seers, and all other practitioners of magic, perform their spells exclusively through the use of blood. Blood magic only works with sacrifice. Bigger the spell, larger the sacrifice. I have not used the black arts since I was a younger man, and it has tainted me to do so now, but I saw little alternative. I need time to think things through.”
“You saved us,” said Indy. “It was pretty badass.”
“No,” said Scarlet. “You saved me , and I didn’t need saving. I was ready to end this. Sorrow is a demon, The Saint is a supernatural assassin, and I’m The Spark. I need to die to keep the world safe from magic. I get it.”
“No way, Scar. You can’t let that dickhead kill you.”
“I’m going to end the world, Indy. Don’t you understand? If I live, everybody dies. That’s right isn’t it, Mr Chester?”
He nodded gravely.
Indy stamped his foot. “To hell with all that. If your destiny sucks, then change it. My dad said I couldn’t get a Playstation 4, so you know what I did? I got this job and saved up, then bought one myself. Screw my dad, I said. Did I go in a strop because he said no to me? Hell no, I did something about it.”
Scarlet shook her head. “How is that in any way the same thing, Indy?”
He looked at her like she was an idiot. “Eh, because somebody told me I couldn’t get a Playstation 4, and I got one anyway. It’s the exact same thing. Somebody is saying that you’re going to destroy the world, so don’t. Do something else instead. Don’t accept what someone else is telling you about you . You’re the boss of Scarlet. You want a Playstation 4? Go get one!”
“He makes a certain kind of sense,” said Mr Chester, pulling the last inch of bandage tight and pinning it securely.
She raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, eh, whatever you say, Indy.” Then she looked into the office where Sorrow was now unconscious on the desk. “Even if I try to change things, The Saint is going to kill me. Sorrow was sent here to protect me, but he’s failed every time.”
“You’re still alive, aren’t you?” said Indy. “I call that a success. Blondie comes back, you still have me and Mr Chester to defend you. No reason to give up yet.”
“I think it’s time to drop the Mr ,” said Mr Chester. “I hate Miles, so you can call me by my last name only. Indy is right, Scarlet, we still have options. The spell I cast will keep The Saint out for a while; I will create something more permanent in the meantime. My colleagues will be here soon. They can help.”
“Help with what?” Scarlet shouted. “Your colleagues want me dead. I’m the bad guy, remember? Why would they help me?”
“Because I’m going to help you,” he said. “We will figure something out; I give you my solemn promise.”
She sighed, but eventually nodded. “When do your friends get here?”
“ Colleagues , and tomorrow