
Free The_Demons_Wife_ARC by Rick Hautala

Book: The_Demons_Wife_ARC by Rick Hautala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Hautala
found the courage to wrap her
fingers around it and squeeze it ever so lightly. She shuddered with pleasure
when the tail twitched and swelled up like a pressurized hose.
    “Oh my God!”
she whispered. “It’s so…responsive…”
    Samael snorted
and said, “It’s best if you not use that name.”
    “What name?”
    “That name…the
one you used just now. It kinda spoils the mood.”
    “Oh, you mean
    “’S okay. I
can take it.”
    His tail was
still quivering in her hand, swelling so much she feared she’d lose her grip on
it. The skin was oily, and she could feel the rigid muscles beneath. A heavy
throbbing deep inside it was keeping time with her rapidly increasing pulse.
She tightened her grip all the more and then, without thinking, started running
her hand up and down the length of it. She felt compelled to put it into her
mouth but resisted that…at first.
    Samael was
making the most peculiar moaning sound she’d ever heard as he lay back on the
bed, rolling his head from side to side. His eyes were narrowed to slits, and
he licked his lips with his forked tongue. In a deep, resonant voice, he said,
“Please…use it…any way you want to.”
    She knew
exactly what he meant by that, and she also knew that she should stop this
right now.
    The truth was,
she should never have let things go this far, but she was too far gone to care
now. She kept running her hand up and down the tail until she stopped with her
fist clenching to the top of the shaft just below where it flared out into a
fleshy point. It felt like it was about to burst. Flushed with heat and moaning
softly, Claire parted her legs and lowered the tip carefully until it was
probing inside her.
    It was as if
his tail had a life of its own. As soon as the tip entered her, the entire
length stiffened and thrust forward so hard and fast it surprised her and
brought tears to her eyes. She let out a strangled shriek and began to cry, but
they were tears of pleasure as well as pain as he thrust deep inside her. It
touched places inside her she didn’t even know she had.
    Before long,
the pleasure became so intense she could feel herself slipping away…drifting
into—not unconsciousness, but a state of mind that was trippy and terrifying
and amazingly satisfying in ways she never could have imagined.  Samael’s tail
kept thrusting in and out…in and out…full…hard…and deep. Claire had no idea how
long she remained in that frenzied, dreamy ecstasy. Her mind was filled with
exquisite pleasure.
mattered…the only thing that mattered was that she and Samael were connected
and moving as if they were a single being.
    ~ * ~
    “That was…”
Claire was panting hard, her body slick and glistening with sweat and other
bodily fluids. She licked her lips as she lay on her back on the bed, her hands
laced behind her head. She stared up at the ceiling until her eyes went
unfocused. “I…I can’t tell you what…what that…” She heaved a sigh. “That was
    “I know,”
Samael said with a light, lilting laugh.
    Claire wasn’t
sure if he meant that the same indescribable thing had just happened to him or
that he had done the same thing to uncounted numbers of women before today.
    She lay there
and listened to their synchronized breathing for what could have been
minutes…hours…or even days, for all she knew. After a while, she became vaguely
aware of life going on around her. As usual, the sound of traffic and
pedestrians passing by on Congress Street came through the window and at some
point—she had no idea when—she was sure she heard someone…Sally, no doubt…enter
the apartment. She started banging around a bit, but then she left shortly
after that. The diffused light that bled through the window shades was
lemony—the way it got late in the afternoon. She could have turned her head and
looked at her alarm clock, but that would have taken too much effort. Besides,
it would bring an

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