The Right to Bear Arms: BBW Military Paranormal Romance (Wild Operatives, #1)
me? You’re not going to call the cops on that asshole because you’re afraid they’re going to shoot some rabid bear? Daniela, it could have eaten you!”
    Normally I was the one to talk sense into my younger sister, but the role reversal was sobering. “But he didn’t. I swear, it was like... like he understood me.”
    “Sweetie, forget about the damn bear. You need to report Mike to the police so they can arrest his stalker ass.”
    I knew she was right, but I couldn’t do it. Michael would spin his lies, and by the time he finished talking, the cops would think he’d rescued me from a deadly mauling and saved me . I didn’t want to leave it up to chance; I couldn’t risk my fuzzy friend’s life.
    “Daniela? You still there?”
    A set of powerful headlights shone through the living room window. I parted the curtains for a look into the driveway to confirm it was Russ before I sprang to the door and opened it. He waved to me as he approached. “Russ is here. I better go.”
    “When do I get to meet Mr. Tall, Dark, and Sexy Marine Guy?”
    “Army not Marines, and when you actually bring your ass down here.”
    “When you move out of the place called Quickdraw I’ll come visit you. Until then, you’re on your own. What the hell is it with this state and the dumb town names?”
    “As if a town called Atropos is any better,” I teased. Texas seemed to have something with stealing names from mythology and other countries. Paris, Texas. Athens. Sparta. Corpus Christi.
    “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, love ya, sis. Come visit soon.”
    “Love you, too. Maybe this weekend.”
    I disconnected the call and smiled up at my man. “Hey, you.”
    “Hey.” His gaze flickered toward the cellphone in my hand. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
    “No. I was just chatting with my sister and stuff. Come on in.”
    Russ offered out a long, paper-wrapped box tied with blue ribbon and leaned in for a kiss. His lips against mine washed away the final vestiges of my horrendous day. I didn’t need a gift, only him.
    “You certainly know how to greet a girl.”
    “Only my favorite girl, darlin’.” His grin made me melt, sending a jolt of heat straight to my gut. “Gonna look inside?”
    Ripping into the paper like a kid at Christmas revealed a box full of chocolates from a local candy shop. My favorite sweets were nestled in pretty gold and silver foil wrappers.
    “I can’t believe you brought me two dozen of these. Eat a few with me.”
    “I bought ‘em for you.”
    I plucked one of the chocolate, pecan, and caramel clusters from the box and touched the delicious morsels to his lower lip until he took the bait. “I want to apologize to you for how I behaved the other day... it’s not your fault.”
    “You had every right to feel down, Daniela. That no-good bastard defaced your property and... well, those aren’t the kind of things you call a lady. He better hope I don’t catch him sniffing around here again.”
    “Again?” I paused in nibbling a chocolate to stare at him.
    Russ grunted and went to the fridge to pour himself a glass of sweet tea. “I punched him in your driveway,” he reminded me gently. “And I’ll kick his ass again the next time I see him.”
    “Russ... He came by again . Today.” Although I was certain I’d regret telling Russ, I told him about my encounter with Michael. His expression changed, undergoing rapid transitions between angry and neutral.
    “Really though, baby, be honest with me. Are you all right? Why didn’t you call me?”
    “I’m fine. I was terrified for a little bit, and not just of Mike...” A bite of gooey chocolate and caramel gave me an excuse to be silent.
    “You should have called the cops, sweetheart.”
    “I didn’t want a hunt put out on the bear.”
    Russ shook his head. “I’m sure the bear can take care of himself. Call the police,” he coaxed me, reminding me of my sister’s plea. If she phoned my parents and relayed the story of what

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