The Indian Ring

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Book: The Indian Ring by Don Bendell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Don Bendell
Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull headed toward the Little Big Horn River to place their new giant encampment.
    Chris Colt said, “I have to get to the new encampment and see if I can stop the slaughter. That idiot Custer will certainly get many brave men killed.”
    Strongheart said, “I am a big boy, my friend. I have to head out after the ones who shot me. I’ll have a headache but thanks to you, I’m alive.”
    Chris said, “I followed them a little, and I bet they are heading toward the railroad south and west of here. When you track people, you kind of figure out where they are going, and not just see their tracks.”
    â€œDenver!” Joshua said, “I bet they took off after my boss, Lucky, figuring they got me. I have to saddle up, Chris.”
    â€œMe, too,” Colt replied, “I have to talk to Crazy Horse. Good luck.”
    â€œYou, too,” Strongheart said, “Thanks, my friend.”
    Both men saddled quickly, gave each other waves, and rode off in opposite directions.

    Eagle was a very fast-trotting and smooth-trotting horse. Strongheart could actually say
slow trot
fast trot
, and the horse would respond to the voice command. He had another gait that Joshua called a floating trot, which the horse did to show off. He would toss his mane and tail from side to side and do a fast stiff-legged trot. Right now, he was eating up miles doing a fast trot, as Colt wanted to hit the north-south line, which would take him to Denver.
    John Garden had been an engineer for several years and loved the railroad, but he hated this long uphill stretch. His long train slowed to a crawl going up the long haul. He was thinking about this when he saw the column of smoke and large fire right on the middle of the tracks. He started braking at first, thinking it might be hostiles. Then he saw the big black-and-white pinto and the cowboy wearing a bandage wrapped around his head and holding up a badge. He stopped and Joshua rode up to the engine sliding Eagle to a stop.
    Garden said, “What in tarnation!”
    Joshua interrupted, “Sorry to halt you, mister, but I havean emergency. My name is Joshua Strongheart, and I am a Pinkerton agent. Are you headed to Denver?”
    John said, “Yep, why?”
    â€œMy horse and I need a car, please. I can pay you whatever the price,” Strongheart said.
    Garden climbed down out of the engine and walked in front of Eagle saying over his shoulder, “Shore enough, Mr. Strongheart. I got an empty boxcar full of straw. Just got to rig some kind of ramp to get your horse up in it. You look Injun. Are ya?”
    Joshua smiled. “Half. My father was Sioux and my mother was white. Grew up here in Montana territory, a good ways west of here.”
    John said, “Well, son, to be a half-breed and a Pinkerton agent, I would say you must be a man to ride the river with.”
    Strongheart grinned listening to this straightforward railroad man. He was very short with graying red hair, but Strongheart could tell he was all man. One of those characters he enjoyed meeting who you knew could be counted on.
    They made it to the car and the brakeman met them, shaking hands with Joshua and telling Garden he had heard of Strongheart.
    Strongheart used dry straw to give Eagle a rubdown in the boxcar. He wanted to stay busy because he really wished the train would move faster. Joshua was certain these killers would be after Lucky to kill him. They obviously were very desperate to stop anybody trying to investigate or shut down the Indian Ring. Millions were being made and millions more would be.
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    The morning sun had just started streaking in the window when Lucky opened his eyes to the clicking of the hammer of the six-shooter. Allan Pinkerton opened his eyes, too. Hehad slept all night in the chair near Lucky’s bed and was now looking into the business end of pistols

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