A Cold Creek Noel (The Cowboys of Cold Creek)

Free A Cold Creek Noel (The Cowboys of Cold Creek) by RaeAnne Thayne

Book: A Cold Creek Noel (The Cowboys of Cold Creek) by RaeAnne Thayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: RaeAnne Thayne
    She thought of how abrupt and harsh he had been the evening
before at the clinic. Nice wouldn’t have been the
word she used to describe Ben Caldwell then, but now she was beginning to
    “I guess,” she answered in what she hoped was a noncommittal
    Ridge gave her a sidelong look. “You might want to think about
showing a little more enthusiasm if you plan to run off with the man. At least
to him. Occasionally a guy needs a little encouragement.”
    She rolled her eyes but quickly hurried into the house before
Ridge could notice the blush she felt heating her cheeks. She suddenly had a
very strong feeling she would have to work hard at being casual and uninterested
in order to keep Ridge—and probably the rest of the Bowmans—from trying to do a
little matchmaking for Christmas.
    * * *
    A woman’s body was a mysterious thing, full of secret
hollows and soft, delectable curves.
    He was in heaven, warm, sweetly scented heaven. Ben trailed his
fingers over the woman in his arms, his hands exploring all those hidden
delights. He wanted to stay here forever with his face buried in skin that
smelled sweetly of vanilla and rain-washed wildflowers and his hands finding new
and exciting terrain to discover.
    His body was rock-hard and he pressed against her heat,
tangling his fingers in acres of dark, silky hair. She smiled at him out of that
sinfully delicious mouth that sent his imagination into overdrive, and her green
eyes were bright as springtime. He groaned, his hunger at fever pitch, and
kissed her.
    Her mouth was as warm and welcoming as the rest of her and when
she danced her tongue along his, he groaned and gripped her hands, kissing her
with all the pent-up need aching inside him.
    “Yes. Kiss me,” she murmured in that lilting, musical voice.
“Just like that, Ben. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”
    All he could think about was burying himself inside. He shifted
and prepared to do just that, his body taut and ready, when a phone trilled
close to his ear.
    He froze...and woke up from the first sexy dream he’d had in
    He could still see Caidy Bowman, tangled around him, her body
soft and warm, but when he blinked she disappeared.
    The phone trilled again and a quick glance at the alarm read
3:00 a.m. Nobody called at this hour unless it was an emergency. He grabbed for
it, ignoring the lingering arousal of his body that had no chance in hell of
being satisfied by an actual female right now.
    “Hello?” he growled.
    “I shouldn’t have called. I’m sorry.” Hearing Caidy Bowman’s
voice in his ear after he had just heard her in his dreams, pleading with him
for more, was so disorienting that for a moment he couldn’t process the
    “Hello? Are you there?” she asked. The urgency and, yes, fright
in her voice pushed away the last clinging tendrils of his sultry dream.
    “I’m here. Sorry.” He swung his legs over the side of the bed
and reached for the jeans he’d left there the night before. “What’s wrong?
    “Yes. He’s not... Something’s wrong. I wouldn’t have called
you, except...I don’t think it’s good. He’s struggling to breathe. I thought it
might be an infection, but I haven’t seen any signs of a fever or anything. I
lifted both dressings and they looked clean.”
    He growled and flipped on the bedside light, then scrubbed at
his face to rub the last tendrils of that blasted dream away.
    “Give me five minutes.”
    “Is there something I can do so you don’t have to come up
    “Probably not. Five minutes.”
    As he threw on a T-shirt and his jacket, a hundred
possibilities raced through his head, very few of them leading to a good
outcome. He quickly scribbled a note for Mrs. Michaels and stuck it on her door,
though by now she was used to him dashing out in the middle of the night.
    Snow lightly gleamed in his headlights as he drove up to the
ranch house. He saw lights in the kitchen and pulled as close as he could

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