Enemy Within

Free Enemy Within by William David

Book: Enemy Within by William David Read Free Book Online
Authors: William David
exhausts all of the locals I wanted to show you. I have just a few that have been suggested to me by the Yard. Look at these.”
    The third sheet in and I saw a face that looked familiar. “Can you enlarge that one?” I said. It was definitely the heavy who pulled me out of the car. A huge ugly guy, big shoulders and all muscle, “that's him,” I said, the one who pulled me out of the car. Lloyd clicked a button on the remote, and up came his name and details.
    “Jackie Peterson,” said Lloyd, “not someone I know, a London boy and by the look of his sheet a lot of form including aggravated assault. Probably a soldier for hire; I will ask the Met what they know of him. Look through the rest and see if by any chance the guy who broke in to your house is also there.”
    A few minutes later up came another face. Lloyd enlarged the imag e for me. It was definitely him, an unattractive individual with a thin face and dark lank hair combed over a balding head.
    “That was the guy who entered my house earlier, the one with the trench coat and a knife.”
    “Well that is another London villain, Reginald Archer, a record as long as your arm for petty crimes , although no record of violence .”
    We then went up to see Chief Superintendent Fleet and updated her.
    “Look Chief Superintendent, I am worried. I have been injured twice and both Alec and I have been threatened. Now Alec's wife is being threatened, what can you do for us, th e next time might be much worse? ”
    “We will follow up the leads including this man you have identified but I am not sure there is much more I can do,” she replied. “For the time being we will continue to post a WPC to guard Mrs Bell on a 24 hour basis, but beyond that there is little we can do; I am afraid I don't have an unlimited budget; I recommend that you and Mr Bell take great care not to expose yourselves to any more attacks.”
    “And how do we do that, lock ourselves in a cell!” I asked sarcastically.
    “I am sorry, but we now have a team working on this, and Inspector Lloyd will keep you informed as to progress.”
    I got up, noisily pushing back my chair and walked out without saying another word. I decided to walk across town to the office. The walk would give me some time to think and calm down.
    Back at the office I walked in to a string of meetings that went on through a sandwich lunch. At about 2.30 Alec buzzed through from his office and said “Martin, I have something here that I need you to be part of, can you get away and join us please?”
    “Sure, these guys can manage here without me for a while,” and went out to the hall to get the lift to Alec's floor.
    Upon entering Alec's office there was one other person in the room besides Alec, Ron Armstrong . Ron was normally quite a pleasant individual although one could sense that beneath the general bonhomie he was probably hard as nails. Ron was the principal in a large venture capital fund, Armstrong Ventures that had invested forty million pounds in Control Networks nearly four years ago. Today, Ron did not look happy, Alec was sitting behind his desk and Ron had obviously been pacing the room.
    “Ah, Martin, I think it is best you join us and hear what I have to say. I was saying to Alec that I have heard from Frank and the brokers that you have asked them to slow up on the float preparations, maybe the projected date is going to slip. You need to understand that the brokers are not at all happy and neither are we.”
    “Alec here confirmed that you have put the brakes on and has just been explaining to me why, and what is going on.  Frankly, it all seems a bit far-fetched to me, but nevertheless we cannot acce pt it as a cause for delay. Any thing can happen and if you miss this market window it may be a long time before you get another chance and even if that comes I doubt whether you will get as good a price as you will today.”
    “We understand all that,” said Alec, “but we also have

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