Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key)

Free Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key) by J.D. Hollyfield, Skeleton Key

Book: Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key) by J.D. Hollyfield, Skeleton Key Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.D. Hollyfield, Skeleton Key
Tags: Skeleton Key Book
preferred. I asked if they had any Maroon 5 but he looked at me like I was insane. I felt like I was getting that exact look a lot.
    “I like this… whatever is playing, I like it. My favorite actually. I have the CD… I mean the record… I mean… I have it in musical form.”
    I just shut up after that. I never took dance lessons, so I fought every single person who courted me to dance. I mean, the only dancing I knew was square dancing, and that’s because it was forced on us in gym class. Finally, the night was coming to an end and people were slowly leaving. I kept looking for Ellie, so I could pull her back to my room and make her figure out a way out of this place. As I set out in search of my maid, a set of hands wrap around my waist, and I notice Christof standing behind me.
    “Milady. May I offer ye one final dance before retiring for the night?” he asks as sweet as can be. Since it seems I cannot say no to his infectious smile, I nod, allowing him to escort me onto the dance floor.
    “I’m going to warn you though, I can’t dance. So this is only going to embarrass you. Be prepared to spend the rest of your night regretting your offer,” I mumble. He stops in the center of the room. Putting his hands on my hips and catching me off guard, he lifts me just slightly, and then lowers me so my feet land on top of his shoes. “Now there. I will do all the work. Ye just act as if ye are having the time of yer life.” He winks as he slowly moves us in a circular motion.
    I can’t help but laugh. “Why are you going along with all of this? Don’t you think this whole situation is kind of messed up?” He looks as if he is considering my question, then shrugs. “I think that sometimes the best things in life can be placed right under our noses, and we still deny them. We refuse to allow ourselves happiness. Love maybe. As for how and why ye came here? Well, I think that everyone has their own destiny. Some paths are a little bit more confusing than others. But in the end, I believe everyone ends up exactly where they are meant to be.”
    Intrigued by his statement, I pull away so I can see into his eyes. “And what does your destiny look like, Sir Christof MacCowen, Second Prince of Wren?”
    Before he has the chance to answer me, an older woman approaches us. “So this is her, then?”
    We both stop dancing and turn to the woman standing in front of us. Christof picks me up and sets me on my own feet. Turning to the woman, he bows. “Good evening, Berta, it is always a pleasure to have ye in our presence.”
    Berta… Berta… my grandmother ? She doesn’t bother answering Christof. She turns to me, inspecting me. I’m not sure what to say, or what to do.
    “What do ye call yerself, child?” She speaks, her tone menacing.
    “Um. Adeline. My name is Adeline.” I stutter, my nerves in an uproar. She takes a step closer, looking at me, but not saying another word. This is my grandmother. My dad’s mom. I step forward, “I’m so happy to finally meet you. The only family I really have is my mom and my dad, and well, Liam. So you don’t know how excited I am to have another living—”
    Cutting me off, she raises her hand, taking a hard slap to my face. The echoes of gasps that fill the ballroom stop everyone in their tracks. I slowly lift my hand to my now burning cheek.
    “Ye shameful child. What do ye have to say for yerself?” I’m stone still, in shock. I try and fight it, but my eyes fill with tears. Christof tries to step forward, but she continues on. “Did he ever tell ye how he shamed his village? How he left his family just a short time after his father left us? Ye should not have been brought back here. Ye half bred disgrace. Ye disgust me. A spoiled child like yerself will never be our queen—”
    Christof steps between us. “Berta, that’s enough. Ye will not speak to her like that.”
    I don’t stick around to listen to another word spoken from her hateful mouth. Pulling out

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