Blind Girl: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Book: Blind Girl: A Dark Billionaire Romance by Tabatha Kiss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tabatha Kiss
enough visible cleavage to choke a nun.
    “Oh, my god…” she beams. “He’s going to love this.”
    I can’t help but soak up her enthusiasm like a sponge. The last week has been a haze of what ifs and maybes.
    “I don’t know, Gabby,” I say as she applies liner to my eyes. “What if I’m just another young piece of ass to him?”
    “Oh, no way,” she says. “Now, stay still or I’ll blind you.”
    “Ian told me not to take it personally,” I repeat his warning, trying to hold my head steady for her.
    “Then don’t,” she says. “Ian’s a smart guy. He knows what he’s talking about.”
    “I just wish I knew for sure…” I take a deep breath. “Does he quote Greek myth to all of us? Does he mold the story’s theme to apply to any situation with the intention of wooing panties off?”
    Gabby sighs. “I don’t know.”
    She’s annoyed with me, I can tell, but I can’t stop the wheel in my head from spinning.
    “Sorry,” I mutter.
    She stands up tall and tilts my face upward into the light to inspect her work. “Okay…” she says. “When you get there, act like you own the whole fucking place.”
    I laugh. “What?”
    “No, really,” she nods. “You are his queen . Keep your head held high, put your murder face on, and just walk right into his office.”
    “My murder face?…”
    “I saw it on Ellen,” she explains. She stands up tall with her shoulders down. “You straighten up, look ahead, and just think like you’re there to kill somebody.”
    “If there’s anything a powerful man responds positively to, it’s a powerful woman,” she says.
    “If you say so…”
    “No, seriously.” She looks forward and takes a few steps across the room. Her eyes appear so intense, I instinctively slink back against my chair.
    “Yeah… I can do that,” I say, nodding my head. I feel a surge of lightning charge through my veins.
    Gabby steps back over to the mirror. “I did the same thing and I could literally see the saliva gathering on Ian’s tongue. Like… he canceled a meeting to fuck me.”
    “You’re exaggerating.”
    She shrugs and raises an eyebrow. “If you say so…”
    I remember Charles’ words and how good it made me feel when he told me I was in complete control. Gabby’s advice makes sense. Charles wants me to take the lead and surprise him.
    “You should even use his own driver to get there,” Gabby suggests.
    “Oh, I don’t know…” I say.
    She reaches into her back pocket. “What’s the number?”
    “Gabby, no—”
    It’s too late. Gabby finds Harvey’s card pinned to my bulletin board above my desk and swipes her phone on. Her fingers move with professional speed and she pushes the phone against my ear before I can say another word.
    “This is Harvey.”
    “I— uh — Hello, Harvey…” I nearly choke on my saliva as the words tumble off my tongue. “This is Alice Hughes.”
    “Good afternoon, Ms. Hughes.”
    “Good afternoon—” I look up at Gabby. She fights to contain her giggles with her hand clamped over her mouth. I shoot her an angry glare. “I need a ride into the city — to Charles’ office — and I was wondering if…”
    “I would be more than happy to assist you, Ms. Hughes.”
    I exhale a quick breath. “Oh, thank you, Harvey.”
    “I can be there in ten minutes.”
    “Ten minutes?” I confirm. “Thank you.”
    Gabby waves her hands in the air and mouths the word ‘twenty’ under her breath.
    “Actually, can you make that twenty minutes?” I ask him.
    “Of course, Ms. Hughes.”
    “Thank you.” I hang up the phone and drop it back into Gabby’s waiting hand.
    “ Always ask for at least twenty minutes,” she advises. “We still have to do your hair.”
    “Thanks again, Harvey,” I tell him as he opens the car door for me. He offers me his hand and I take it to assist me out.
    “You’re welcome, Ms. Hughes,” he says. “Will you be long?”
    I nervously push my skirt down.

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