Nookie's Secret (Nookie 2) (Nookie Series)

Free Nookie's Secret (Nookie 2) (Nookie Series) by Anieshea; Q.B. Wells Dansby Page B

Book: Nookie's Secret (Nookie 2) (Nookie Series) by Anieshea; Q.B. Wells Dansby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anieshea; Q.B. Wells Dansby
Tags: Fiction & Literature
you back. How you sound?”
    “I’m not playing.”
    “Look. Relax. Go in the room and pick out a movie.”
    Joy took out her phone to call a cab. She didn’t know what she was thinking by even coming the house with him in the first place. Wayne got up and went into the bedroom. He walked back out, with a stack of movies. He handed them to Joy. She relaxed when she realized that he wasn’t trying to lure her into his bedroom. She looked at them. He had all the new movies. She picked out the Beyonce movie Obsessed .
    “I want to watch this one,” she said, handing him the movie.
    “Ok. Did you decide what you want to eat?”
    “No. You pick.”
    He ordered an extra large cheese pizza, Buffalo wings, onion rings and two strawberry milkshakes. Joy was so engrossed in the movie, she didn’t look away when Wayne handed her the food and drink.
    When the movie was over, Wayne asked, “Do you want to watch another movie?”
    “Umm.” Joy suddenly had trouble talking. She couldn’t think clearly. “I. I. You.” She tried to stand up. Her knees buckled and she fell. She stayed still, fighting to keep her eyes open. Seconds later, blackness surrounded her.
    The next time Joy opened her eyes she was on her air mattress, in her apartment. She tried to sit up but fell back from the sharp pains shooting through her head. She was fully dress, she even had on her sneakers. She looked around, realizing she was in her apartment. The bag of clothes she had left in Wayne’s car was sitting in the corner. She didn’t want to move but she had to pee quickly. She rolled onto the floor and crawled her way into the bathroom. Her entire body ached. She leaned against the bathroom door and kicked off her sneakers. Her pants were unbuckled but she had trouble getting them off.
    She had some discomfort in her vagina. She thought it was normal to have pain from time to time because she just had a baby not too long ago. It burned when she peed.
    She soaked for forty-five minutes in the tub and that helped a little. As she was drying off, she looked in the mirror and noticed that her eyes were blood shot. She had deep bags under her eyes. She didn’t want to do nothing but climb back in the bed. So she did and slept the rest of the day. When she woke up, she laid there, staring in the dark for another hour and a half, thinking about what could have happened before she got up. She wanted to get something to eat but her stomach felt funny and nauseous.
    She searched for her cell phone. She had twelve missed calls, all from a private number. She didn’t have any menus so she couldn’t order anything, she would have to go out or see if one of her neighbors had anything. The phone vibrated in her hands. She was sitting on the edge of the air mattress, looking down. It was a private number. She didn’t feel like talking to anyone, she pressed ignore. Five seconds later there was a knock on the door.
    She walked tiptoed to the door and looked through the peephole. Wayne stood outside the door. He had his phone in his hand. She waited, hoping he would go away. But he continued to knock. Finally she opened the door enough to stick her head out.
    “Joy Was sup?”
    “Now is not a good time.”
    “Yeah? You got company?” he asked trying to look behind her in the door.
    “No and I don’t really want none either.”
    “Joy why you acting like that. I came all the way over here to check on you and you being nasty.”
    “Check on me why?”
    “I had a bad case of food poisoning from the food we ate. Since I know we ate the same thing, I figure you was sick too.”
    “I was with you?”
    “Yeah I dropped you off here last night. Don’t you remember?”
    “Damn. I was pretty fucked up I guess.”
    “You going to let me in? I got something that will make you feel better.” He said, holding up two glass jars of haze.
    Joy thought about it for a second. She did crave the relaxed feeling she knew that she would get from smoking. Without

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