Gambling on a Secret

Free Gambling on a Secret by Sara Walter Ellwood

Book: Gambling on a Secret by Sara Walter Ellwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Walter Ellwood
Tags: Romance
were supposed to meet me, but something came up and they couldn’t make it,” he added, referring to his cousin and his wife.
    “I should make time to stop by to see them sometime.” Dylan looked around at the crowd and searched for a waitress.
    Julie Larson was waiting on another table. She’d get to them. Her job also included collecting the cover charge and checking IDs, since there wasn’t a bouncer at the door. He often wondered how she and her sister, Ella, kept track of everyone, but somehow they did.
    “Lance and Audrey would like that.” Zack took a drink of his Coke. “So, I heard you’re working for the new owner of Blackwell Ranch.”
    “Affirmative. Started today.”
    “I’m glad you found something, Captain.”
    He pinned the former Marine with a glare. He didn’t deserve the title or the respect in the sheriff’s voice. “Don’t call me that.”
    Cartwright shrugged and looked back at the band, which started the next set with a cover of Ol’ Red . “I wanted to talk to you while you’re sober enough to understand.”
    “Ha, ha.”
    Zack raised a blond brow. “You can’t deny I’m usually dragging your ass out of here.”
    “No, suppose not.” He shifted in his seat. His hip hurt like a son-of-a-bitch tonight. “What did you want to talk to me about?”
    “I’d like you to talk at the Memorial Day banquet I’m planning at the American Legion.”
    He narrowed his eyes on the other man. “No.”
    Cartwright leaned his tall frame back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Why not? I’m talking, and Uncle Paul’s speaking about his time in Nam. We even have old Henrietta Parker talking about her days as a WASP.”
    “Good for you. Sounds like you don’t need me.” Where the hell was Julie? He looked around the room again. “Besides, I’ll be busy. Have a job now and all that.”
    “Wow. What a slave driver. You can’t even have a few hours off.”
    He shrugged. Julie waved, and he gave her a nod of his head.
    “What’s she like?”
    Julie stopped at the table and smiled at him, although he didn’t miss her apprehensive glance at Zack. “Your usual, Dylan?”
    “Yeah. Thanks.” Once she left, he looked at the sheriff. “Who?”
    Grinning, Zack lifted his glass and took a draw on his Coke. “The girl who bought the Blackwell place. She’s made quite the stir by buying that old ranch. Usually, we don’t know one college kid from the next until they do something to draw attention to themselves.” His grin turned cocky. “Which usually only involves me and my department. But Miz Charlotte Monroe has managed to have the whole damn town wondering.”
    He drummed his hand on the table. Come on, Julie. Where was his drink?
    “She buys Blackwell Ranch right out from under your uncle, and she bought four of my best quarter horse mares.” Zack chuckled and shook head. “Knows more about good horseflesh than I would’ve ever given her credit for.”
    “I don’t know anything about her.” He shifted in his chair again, but this time, his hip wasn’t bothering him.
    Charli had surprised him with what she envisioned for the ranch. Downright impressed him, too, with her knowledge about raising cattle. Maybe she wouldn’t want to give the calves sissy names, but he still couldn’t imagine her mucking the stalls.
    His lips twitched. Looking in the direction of the band to prevent Zack from noticing his amusement, he forced a matter-of-fact tone when he spoke. “Like I said, I just started today.”
    Julie handed back his credit card and deposited a highball glass of whiskey over rocks before him. As he lifted the glass to his lips with a not-so-steady hand, he looked over at Cartwright. What a way to ruin a good shot of Jack. He couldn’t even savor the smooth burn that would help him sleep tonight.
    After he lowered the glass, Cartwright pointed at it. “You aren’t planning to drive home, are you? I know Julie indulges you by giving you a bottle. I reminded her the

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