Zoe's Blockade (Destiny's Trinities Book 5)

Free Zoe's Blockade (Destiny's Trinities Book 5) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Book: Zoe's Blockade (Destiny's Trinities Book 5) by Tracy Cooper-Posey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey
Tags: Vampire Menage Urban Fantasy Romance
back with maddening little touches, making her nerves twitch and stirring her arousal.
    Instead, she fisted her hands and watched as Declan opened the button. His long, clever fingers picked up the tab of the zipper and lowered it.
    “The look on your face…” he breathed.
    Zoe swallowed. “I’m—”
    “Don’t say you’re sorry,” Cole said quickly. “Declan, we really need to cure her of that.”
    “Agreed.” He pushed his jeans down his legs and stepped out of them, sliding his sneakers off at the same time. Then he straightened up, utterly naked.
    Zoe caught her breath. She loved Cole’s physical perfection. He had spent his years in the military and since he had left the Army, honing his body, working it hard and sculpting the muscles. Declan, on the other hand, used his intellect for his profession and although he had sometimes worked out with Cole, he wasn’t nearly as interested in pushing his body and gaining every scrap of strength the way Cole was.
    Even so, Declan had a well-shaped body, with plenty of muscle, just not huge amounts of it. There was absolutely no spare fat on him. His belly was flat and rippled over the muscles. His arms and shoulders were rounded and looked strong.
    Zoe looked down. She couldn’t help herself. Her gaze was drawn there, as if it was on rails. His cock was fully erect and beating with life. It was thick, the flared head darker on the edges.
    Her heart leapt.
    “You haven’t changed an inch,” Cole breathed. His chest was rising and falling more rapidly and she could feel his heart, too, beating against her.
    Declan smiled. “If I’m really a ghost, then maybe I can change how I appear. Another inch might be useful.”
    “No,” Zoe and Cole said together.
    Declan looked at her. “You like what you see, then.”
    She cleared her throat softly. “Yes.” It still came out almost hoarse.
    Cole’s fingers squeezed her hips. “Touch him,” he said in her ear.
    Her heart was slamming against her chest and her fingers felt thick and awkward as she lifted them up toward him. Her whole body felt as though it was pulsing with aching need.
    It didn’t surprise her to see her hand was shaking. She laid it against Declan’s chest.
    “You’re not hot,” she breathed. “Not like Cole.”
    “He’s not cold, either,” Cole said.
    Declan curled his fingers around her wrist and drew her hand down, so the tips of her fingers trailed over his flesh. “Take what you really want,” he told her and pressed her palm against his cock.
    Shuddering with overwhelming excitement, she gripped him. Declan gasped, his eyes narrowing even farther. “Feels good,” he muttered. “Your hand is almost scalding.”
    Cole let out a ragged breath. “Just watching is overwhelming.” Although, he wasn’t just watching. His fingers were stroking her hips. Their movements had lifted the hem of her shirt and the tips were gliding over her flesh beneath. Wherever his hands touched, little sparks seemed to jump, making her nerves scream. The position of his fingers, toying with the band of her jeans, was suggestive.
    Then, almost as if he was reading her mind, Cole pushed his hand underneath her jeans.
    Zoe gave a raw gasp, her hips jerking forward in reaction. Her hand moved, sliding up Declan’s shaft, coming up against the head and he made a strangled sound in his throat.
    “Undo her jeans,” he whispered.
    Cole’s spare hand snagged the button and flicked it undone. Because of the pressure of his hand beneath the zipper, he only had to lift the tab up and the zipper opened almost by itself.
    He spread his fingers over her lower belly, the ends resting over her panties.
    “I might come just from watching you do that,” Declan said roughly. His hands were at his sides, the knuckles white, the tendons in his wrists straining.
    “This?” Cole pushed his fingers under her panties and curved them around to cup her mons . The middle finger slipped between her lips, up against her

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