Reawakened by the Surgeon's Touch

Free Reawakened by the Surgeon's Touch by Jennifer Taylor

Book: Reawakened by the Surgeon's Touch by Jennifer Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Taylor
    Sister? Claire wasn’t sure why Jude had called her that until she saw the dawning comprehension on Lesley’s face. She bit back a gasp. He thought she was a nun! Oh, she could understand how he had reached that conclusion. Between her choice of clothes and the fact that she lived at the convent, it was an easy mistake to have made. She was about to set him straight when it struck her that it might be better if she allowed him to carry on believing it.
    Even though she hated to admit it, Jude Slater disturbed her. He made her think about things she hadn’t thought about in a long time, made her aware of her own femininity in a way she didn’t welcome, and it scared her. She had thought that part of her life was over, that never again would she be attracted to a man. Although she worked with the male members of the team on a daily basis, she had never had a problem with any of them—they were colleagues, no more than that. However, Jude was different. She felt differently around him. More vulnerable. More aware. Maybe it would be better if he continued to think that she was off limits.
    â€˜Oh, but Claire isn’t—’ Lesley began, but Claire cut her off.
    â€˜I shall speak to Sister Julie myself,’ she said firmly, shooting a warning glance at her friend. ‘There’s no need for you to become involved, Dr Slater.’
    â€˜Fine. It’s your decision, Sister.’ He nodded dismissively, his face devoid of expression. ‘Just make sure you get some rest. You obviously need it.’
    He didn’t say anything more before he left. Claire listened to the sound of his footsteps echoing along the corridor, followed by a door closing, and only then let out the breath she hadn’t even known she was holding. There was definitely something about Jude Slater that set all her internal alarm bells ringing...
    â€˜OK, so what exactly is going on?’ Lesley placed her hands on her hips and fixed Claire with a hard stare. ‘Why did you allow the gorgeous, sexy Dr Slater to think you’re a nun?’
    â€˜Because he is gorgeous. And sexy. And because I don’t want him practising his gorgeously sexy charms on me.’
    â€˜Why ever not!’ Lesley exclaimed. ‘Oh, I know we’re not supposed to form relationships but that’s never stopped anyone, has it? I mean, look at Sasha and Javid. They’re totally smitten but it hasn’t affected their work. So what’s to stop you and the gorgeous Jude indulging in an affaire de coeur ? You’re both young, free and single, plus it’s obvious that he’s interested...’
    â€˜Of course he isn’t interested!’ Claire denied hotly. Colour ran up her face when Lesley treated her to an old-fashioned look. ‘He isn’t. He’s just one of those men who can’t stop themselves hitting on a woman. That’s all it is.’
    â€˜If you say so,’ Lesley replied, making it clear that she didn’t believe her. Reaching under her pillow, she pulled out her pyjamas. ‘Right, time for beddy-byes, I think. There’s clean jammies in the top drawer of the chest, so help yourself.’
    She headed off to the bathroom, leaving Claire to sort out her night attire. Opening the drawer, she took out the first set of pyjamas she came to. They were made from plain white cotton, very prim and virginal, perfectly in keeping with her new persona, in fact. She smiled wryly as she undressed and slipped them on. Sister Claire wouldn’t feel the least bit uncomfortable wearing these.
    Claire went to the bathroom once Lesley came back and availed herself of the facilities. It was very quiet and she guessed that everyone had settled down for the night. She sighed as she headed back to their room. All she could do was hope that nobody would question her about what had gone on that night. She wanted to forget it and, most important of all, forget what had

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