In the Stars

Free In the Stars by Joan Duszynski

Book: In the Stars by Joan Duszynski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Duszynski
eating our appetizers. Then they pull steaks and potatoes from the oven. The food is delicious. Mom asks me about my date, and I tell her about lunch with Kyle. She seems very impressed by the things I have told her. Again, I tell her what I feel she needs to know. A little more than what I told Raleigh’s mom, but still no full details.
    It is now late, and I have had a very long weekend. As I am talking to mom and Mark, telling them goodbye, I notice Raleigh and Sam standing off to the side talking. I know Raleigh’s type, and I knew she would think he was cute. It seems as though he might find her attractive as well—huh, that’s interesting.
    Once we are driving back so I can drop Raleigh off, she looks over at me with a big grin. “See, I told you Sam was cute, Raleigh.”
    Raleigh lets out a sigh. “He is not cute; he is hot, Caroline. Seems really nice and laid back too. You will have to plan something again that puts us all in the same room.”
    I give her hand a little squeeze. “Well, that sounds like a great plan. Before you know it, you and I will be going out on double dates again.”
    I drop Raleigh off in her drive, giving her a big hug goodbye. I wait until she is inside, before I drive off back toward school.

IT IS A cold evening, so I have my trusty hoodie back on and the heat going. I feel loud music is in order for the drive back. The one good thing I did put into this Blazer was a nice radio. I have my IPod plugged in and playing loud.
    Once I pull into the lot, I take a quick moment to look up at the night sky before going to my room. I am beyond tired, and can’t wait to get my pajamas on and climb into bed. When I open the door, Piper is sitting on her bed with her laptop and book in front of her. Seeing this, reminds me that I have a paper I need to finish. My first class isn’t until eleven, though, so I will just get it done in the morning.
    She looks up at me, and then looks down to where I just dropped my bag on the floor, by my bed. I can see the irritation in her eyes at that. I could give a shit, though. “So Caroline, I haven’t seen you any. I was starting to think I had a room all to myself.” I am sure this disappoints her, knowing she can’t jump from bed to bed during her fun time. Then a shiver runs through me. What if she has done that before? Now that is a sick thought, which I don’t ever want to pop in my head again.
    “Sorry Piper, that isn’t the case. I had a busy weekend at home.” Piper just shrugs her shoulders, as if saying who cares. God I hate rooming with this girl.
    I pull out my phone to text Raleigh and Mom, saying I got in ok. I notice I have a received a text on my phone already. I send out my message, and then get ready for bed. I open up the received message. I don’t recognize the number, but as soon as I started reading, I know exactly who it was from.

    Tara: Thank u again, Caroline, for helping me. I really am sorry for my actions. Even though you saw some crazy sides of us, I promise the Wrights aren’t always like that. Would luv to meet up with u again soon. If ok, just let me know when.

    I decide to send her back a quick message.

    Caroline: Tara, I have classes and work tmrw, but Tues. late afternoon would work.
    Maybe, same place for coffee around 3?

    I get an immediate response back.

    Tara: That would work great. See u there. Thnx again *Tara*

    I turn off the lamp by my bed, and am just closing my eyes when I suddenly start hearing Chuck Berry singing by my head. Damn that Raleigh, she really did set my ring tone. Oh, how I love her. Since My-Ding-A-Ling is the song playing, I know it is Kyle. I am laughing as I answer the phone. Piper glances over my way with her lips snarled up at me like I am the dumbest person in the world.
    “Hello Kyle.”
    “So, Caroline, you already recognize my number, which is good to know.”
    I have to laugh some more. “Well, Kyle, I guess you could say something like that.”
    “So this is

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