Riddle of Fate

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Book: Riddle of Fate by Tania Johansson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tania Johansson
stopped and its lungs were still. And then I smelled it.
    “It was as though an actual lightning bolt had hit it. I killed it.”
    “I shouldn’t have given you a live subject to start with. I’m sorry. I’ll get rid of it.” He scooped the bag up and disposed of it outside. When he walked back into the room, Khaya had composed herself, her red eyes the only thing betraying her anguish.
    “Do you think I killed Merrit?” she asked.
    “Do you?” Derrin knew that it couldn’t have been her. He also knew that the Company claimed people with two abilities went mad. He wasn’t certain if he believed that either.
    “I don’t think I did,” she said after a pause. “When I run the events of the night through my mind, there seems no time unaccounted for. I don’t see how I could have.”
    “Would I know if I was mad? Would I be aware of it?”
    “I don’t know. I don’t believe you killed him, though.”
    Her eyes lifted to meet his, tentative hope in them. “Why not?”
    “You didn’t have the time.”
    Her face fell. “Oh.”
    Derrin shifted from one foot to the other. Did he say something wrong? “I went by Merrit’s house.”
    “You could have been seen! Don’t you think that was a foolish risk?”
    “I wouldn’t worry about that. We have a problem.” She pursed her lips and he continued, “Your imprint was found at the scene. Someone is trying to set you up.”
    “That must be the Company,” Khaya said. “Who else would know about that, not to mention be capable of that?”
    “You could be right, but we should keep an open mind. How long have you known Brier?”
    The corners of her mouth twisted down. “About a year. Why do you ask? Was he there?”
    “He was. You’ve taken him to your bed, haven’t you?”
    Khaya’s cheeks flushed. “I don’t see how that could possibly be any of your concern.”
    “I’ll take that as a yes then. Strange…”
    “What are you talking about? What’s strange?”
    “I don’t know yet. Have you ever known Brier to meet with anyone unusual?”
    “No. Tell me what you saw today.”
    “I don’t know yet. I am trying to find out what it means, but until then, I wouldn’t like to speculate.”
    “Brier didn’t have anything to do with this, if that’s what you’re thinking. He loves me. I have no doubts about him.”
    She might not, but Derrin had grave concerns. What were the chances that a man who could see Collectors happened to meet and fall in love with Khaya? What were the chances that he wasn’t the man the Council sent after her?
    ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
    Khaya woke with a start. For a moment she was disorientated before she realised she was still in the seedy inn. She turned over and glanced down at the floor, expecting to find Derrin sleeping on the pile of blankets. He wasn’t there.
    It was still dark out. She stood and peered out of the window. She could not see much in the darkness, but she recognised Derrin’s broad shoulders as he strode across the street.
    Then he vanished.
    She blinked, sure it was just sleep-hazed eyes that was blurring her vision. He was gone. With a pounding heart, she sat back on the bed. What did she really know about this man? A man that she allowed to sleep in the same room as her.
    He must be an employee of the Company , she thought. That was the only explanation. Vanishing into thin air – that could be his ability. It had to be. He told her that he wasn’t part of the Company, but of course he wouldn’t reveal the truth if he was. Her stomach clenched. The Company sent him. To keep her in one place. To keep her from leaving Arroe. To make sure she wasn’t going crazy and killing people.
    She smacked a hand against her forehead. Why had she been so blind? He knew far too much of how the Company operated to be anything but one of their lackeys. Lighting a lamp, she threw her few belongings into her bag and hurried out.
    There was only one place she could go. One person she could

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