face, but doing nothing more than annoying her.
Dethbryte grabs Vandenboom’s wrist and digs her fingernails into his forearm, ripping the NES controller completely out of his body. The veins in his face and neck swell and his head begins to tremor violently. His long dagger teeth flip outward and sink quickly back into his face, causing his forehead to cave in and his body to suck up into his neck. Reynold stares in disbelief as Vandenboom—his brother, Divey—implodes and shrinks back to normal size. His body seems to hover for a second, momentarily lost in space, before gravity drags him down to the ground like a hungry beast.
Reynold runs out of hiding, grabbing everything in sight—staplers, lamps, paperweights—and throws them at Dethbryte. Tears glaze over his eye, blinding him. He collapses to his knees and sulks. His journey is over. He has failed his brother.
The Devils launch a full attack on Dethbryte. Gluum holds out her hands in front of her and closes her eyes. From each of her fingertips shoots black webs, looking like an extension of her fingers themselves. The webs sling through the air, gripping and sticking to Dethbryte’s fat belly like tar. Inside the blackness of the webs swirl tiny nebulas, stars, and galaxies. They swirl together so rapidly that tiny black holes form and begin to suck in all that surrounds them. Dethbryte feels an uncomfortable sensation in her gut, as if her innards are slowly being sucked out of her body through a plastic straw. She digs her fingernails along her belly flesh, ripping away the super sticky black web, which then attaches itself to her fingers. Gluum continues to fire her black webs at her, even though she knows Dethbryte is far too massive for them to really have any other effect than to simply keep her distracted.
Krebb loads everything he can get his hands on into the chamber of his KREBBOOM, but nothing really seems to be too affective.
“ I need something . . .” he mumbles to anyone who cares to listen. “Something metal . . .” Vega unsheathes his katanas, the first things he thinks of, and offers them to Krebb. Krebb shoves the tip of the blade into his KREBBOOM and pulls the trigger. Hundreds of little three inch razors rip into the atmosphere, slicing deep into Dethbryte’s side. She shrieks in pain, trying to bat away some of the shots with her hands. She moves closer to the building behind her and rips a giant satellite dish from its rooftop, using it as a shield. The razors deflect off the dish and come hurdling back toward the Devils.
Gluum shoots streams of black web, trying to catch the blades, but most of them slip through. Vega’s shoulder and T-Dakk’s foot, which luckily doesn’t have any feeling, each take a hit. Reynold’s left leg is also injured as one of the blades slices through the tendon just above his heel.
“ Shit!” Reynold yelps. He wraps both of his hands around his ankle, applying pressure. Blood spurts out from between his fingers in substantial gushes.
Krebb removes Vega’s katana and tosses it aside. He frantically searches for something else to fire. Suddenly he remembers the item he had stuffed into his leather sack, just after they had broken into the building—Qoser’s cue-ball eye. Originally he had brought it more as a good luck charm, but with its weight, it may be exactly what he needs.
Krebb loads the cue-ball into the chamber. He wipes the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand and cracks his knuckles.
“ Let’s hope I don’t scratch,” Krebb mutters to himself, taking aim. Dethbryte sways back and forth so quickly it is hard to get a clear shot in. Tiny lightning bolts fly out of her eyes and what’s left of her tongue begins to flick in and out of her mouth rapidly, like a snake. She’s readying her attack.
Sweat beads up on his forehead, collecting and streaming down into his eyes. He does not flinch.
He pulls the