On the Accidental Wings of Dragons (Dragons of Eternity Book 1)

Free On the Accidental Wings of Dragons (Dragons of Eternity Book 1) by Julie Wetzel

Book: On the Accidental Wings of Dragons (Dragons of Eternity Book 1) by Julie Wetzel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Wetzel
good.” Kyle stood up from the bed and held his hand out for Carissa.
    Oh, God! She had to do something fast. She couldn’t leave Michael here. Daniel’s men would find him. But how was she supposed to get him out with Daniel and her brother there? She took her brother’s hand and stood up as she thought. Kyle pulled her over and wrapped his arm around her to escort her out. This was not going well.
    A flash of gold and bronze caught Carissa’s eye as Kyle led her to the door. Her gown! Michael’s coat was folded under it. Carissa pulled against Kyle’s arm as inspiration struck.
    “What?” Kyle looked down when Carissa resisted him.
    She held out the front of her borrowed robes and pointed to her dress balled up next to the bed.
    He looked from her to the bundle, then back to the man following them. “Get Carissa’s things.” Kyle tried to lead her on to the door as their guard bent to gather up her dress.
    Carissa threw off her brother’s hand and backed away from him, shaking her head.
    Kyle looked at her, concerned.
    She held up the borrowed robes.
    “We can return Darien’s robes later.”
    Carissa shook her head adamantly and took the bundle of her clothing away from the guard.
    Kyle pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. “Fine,” he agreed. “Do you need a hand getting dressed?” When Carissa shook her head, he ushered everyone else out so she could change. “You have five minutes. Bang on something if you need help.”
    Letting out the breath she’d been holding, Carissa quickly shook out her dress. Darien would have gladly let her keep his robes, but this was the only way to get the men out of the room. Slipping into the horribly wrinkled dress, Carissa grabbed up Michael’s coat. What the hell did he have in those pockets? It weighed a ton. Ignoring the weight, she slipped it on and zipped it part of the way up. Using the strap at the waist, she cinched the bottom closed. The leather puffed out around her slight frame. Perfect.
    Flipping back the blanket, she snatched up the sleeping dragon and fed him into the jacket. Michael squeaked as she stuffed him in. Carissa shushed him as she rolled up his tail and tucked it in, too. Her brother would be back in if she didn’t hurry up. She patted his bulk as she turned to head out. It was the best she could do. Now, she just had to pray it worked.
    What the hell, woman? Michael tried to yell, but it came out as a garbled, squeaking noise. Waking up to someone stuffing you inside a jacket was not his idea of a good morning.
    Carissa shushed him as she pushed him the rest of the way in and zipped up his jacket.
    His jacket! What was she doing wearing his jacket? Michael shook his head and crawled around her back in the bulge the oversized coat made around her middle. At least she belted the bottom tight so he wouldn’t fall out.
    “Are you ready?”
    The muffled voice made Michael freeze. He recognized that voice. Oh, God! The king was here! Now he was really going to be in trouble. But why had Carissa stuffed him down inside his jacket? Carefully, he crawled up the inside of the coat, trying to see out. Pressure stopped his movement. Was she holding him down?
    “Isn’t that Michael’s jacket?”
    That voice Michael knew well. Daniel! He wiggled to get out. He needed to see Daniel. The pressure increased, holding him away from his goal. What was Carissa thinking? He needed out.
    “We’ll need to take that in for evidence.”
    This comment from his boss made Michael freeze. He felt Carissa clutch at the jacket protectively. What was going on out there?
    “Please, My Lady,” Daniel continued. “It may have leads to his whereabouts. We need to find him as soon as possible.”
    Carissa held the pressure on him so he couldn’t move.
    “Just leave her be.” The king’s voice came from just above Carissa’s shoulder.
    Michael felt his arm press into the leather as he drew Carissa into a protective hold.

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