The Prema Society

Free The Prema Society by Cate Troyer

Book: The Prema Society by Cate Troyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cate Troyer
Tags: Billionaire Breeding Erotica
“Just pretend, Jane,” Cassie hissed at me, her breath hot on my ear. “I’ll pay you 10% of what I earn tonight, and you won’t even have to take off your clothes. The numbers are already spiking! Just fifteen minutes!”
    I was trying so hard not to let my eyes drop down to her bare breasts, the stiff peaks of her nipples just teasing my arm. Right now, she was writhing next to me, pretending to nibble on my ear, much to the delight of her adoring fans via webcam. It really was my fault, though. I had missed the bra on her door and burst in, right as she was beginning her show. She had turned her head and I found myself frozen in the cold blue light of the computer screen, staring at my best friend’s body and my own shocked face reflected in the monitor.
    Cassie was the consummate performer, always on her game, and she pulled me in and seated my on the bed, cooing to the camera about the visitor. Word had spread rapidly that there was potential girl-on-girl action and her ten regular viewers had already tripled. She ground her pink lace clad hips against me.
    “I… I’ve never done anything like this, Cassie,” I forced out, past a dry throat. I hated admitting this, especially in front of an attentive audience. I had read an article that said people like me were growing in number on college campuses, and it wasn’t that I was a prude…
    “Why, Jane,” her voice took on a high pitched coquettish note. “Are you a..VIRGIN?”
    I winced and nodded mutely and saw her eyes light up. If this were a cartoon, her pupils would have been in the shape of dollar signs. She turned to the camera and bent over, giving her viewers a close-up her double D’s. “You hear that, guys? Jane here is a virgin. Oh the things we could do to her!”
    I saw the chat window at the bottom start filling up madly. Cassie turned back to me, a triumphant smile on her blood-red lips.
    “You should see the suggestions, Jane,” she giggled. “Some of them sound intriguing, but impossible. Almost everyone wants me to pop your cherry right here and now.” She reached into an open drawer by her desk and pulled out a dildo, a big purple thing that was about as big around as my wrist. My eyes nearly burst out of my head. Cassie waved it in front of the camera. “I call this the Grape Ape.” She kissed the head of it before slipping it into her mouth and down her throat.
    I sat there in shock, watching my roommate deep throat a large fake purple cock. I tried to imagine it between my thighs and felt a mixture of fear and heat pooling there. There was no way it would fit. Cassie pulled it out of her mouth, a single strand of saliva still connecting her to the rubbery shaft. She sashayed over to me, a firm grip around the massive tool, as she threw herself on the bed next to me. Her breasts bounced as she held the dick shaped item in front of me. “Kiss it, Jane.”
    I studied the glistening item, the ripples of the synthetic veins distorting the computer screen behind it. Slowly, I leaned forward and pressed a quick light kiss on the flared head. Cassie let out a loud peal of laughter.
    “No, Jane,” she giggled. “REALLY kiss it.”
    Slowly, I opened my mouth and slid my lips around the smooth plastic, moving my head down the shaft. I tested the veiny texture with my tongue, feeling the unfamiliar ripples and ridges.
    “That’s it,” my roommate purred at me before turning her attention to the computer again. “Look boys, our virgin is a born cocksucker. See how she takes a big dick in her mouth?” She turned back to me. “Keep sucking that cock, Jane.” She took my hand and wrapped it around the length of the dick. “See how deep you can get it in.”
    I slid my mouth further over the rod until I felt the blunt head bump against the back of my throat.
    “Good girl,” Cassie squealed, and then in a whisper, “Two minutes.”
    I decided I ought to make it a good show and began sucking the plastic enthusiastically. Cassie was

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