Another Notch in the Beltway
shimmered in the dove-gray silk of her teddy, sexy garter, and silky stockings.
    â€œHmm, where to start,” he mused, taking her all in. “
Ta tu go h-alainn
, you’re beautiful.”
    She flushed under his smoldering gaze.
    He continued to whisper Gaelic endearments to her as he touched her lightly.
    Drawing the thin straps of her teddy down, he let the garment flow from her body and pool at her feet.
    Her breath hitched as he caught her nipples between each of his thumbs and forefingers. Kissing her, he gently nudged her backwards onto the bed, coming to rest on top of her when she landed. Lightly pinning her arms above her head, he took her left breast into his mouth.
    She arched up to meet him, heat flooding her body, wanton lust threatening to take over. He relinquished his hold on her arms and skimmed her breasts.
    Lenore unfastened the buttons of his shirt, tugged it from his waistband and pushed it off his shoulders, finally able to feel and see him for the first time. Dark, soft curls covered the muscles of his chest, which was hard and unyielding.
    He kissed her and she pulled him to her, his hard body against her much softer one. Michael Patrick groaned into her mouth.
    â€œI want you. Oh, how I want you,” she panted.
    He quickly removed his remaining clothes and rejoined her on the bed. Slowly rolling down the silk stockings after disengaging them from the garter, he skimmed his hands down her legs, causing already heightened nerve endings to explode. He glanced up and saw the pulse point in her neck beating frantically.
    His own pulse was hammering as erratically. Sliding up her form, he stopped to kiss the throbbing vein and take a little nip. She writhed beneath him.
    His hand wandered to the intimate folds between her legs and stroked her. She was hot and wet and ready. He slid his middle finger into her moist heat and felt the muscles contract around it.
    â€œI want you,” she said again, reaching to grasp the object of her desire as if to put an exclamation point on the statement.
    â€œI’m getting the point,” he said, rolling on a condom as she watched.
    He stopped short of entering her. His eyes locked on hers. “Watch,
mo chuisle
, watch.”
    She did, and he watched her, saw her eyes widen as he entered her for the first time. He groaned as her muscles gripped him tightly, drawing him deeper.
    MP held still for a moment waiting for her body to become accustomed to him. She lifted her hips to encourage his participation.
    â€œImpatient are we, wee one?”
    He chuckled and thrust into her fully, deeply.
    â€œNow, now,” she chanted.
    â€œNo, not yet, savor the moment,” he breathed, deliberately slowing his pace.
    He was surprised, but she followed his lead. But soon there was no slowing down or holding back, as they both raced toward climax.
    After, he gathered her in his arms and breathed in her essence.
    â€œIt was, wasn’t it?” He smiled at her, his voice still thick with desire.
    She ran a hand through the springy hair on his chest as she rested her head there. He kissed the top of that head, and eventually they drifted into a doze, sated and relaxed.
    They stirred several hours later.
    â€œAre you hungry?” Lenore asked him as he leaned in to kiss her.
    â€œStarving,” MP replied with a provocative smile and rolled on top of her.
    She laughed, letting him have his fill of her and enjoying every minute.
    â€œI fear I may be obsessed with you, Ms. Held.”
    â€œHmm, so it’s Ms. Held, is it now?”
    â€œI thought I’d try the opposite of what we’re doing in the book and see how it worked.”
    â€œTruth be told, I have a soft spot for endearments you murmur in your native tongue.”
    â€œI could be cussing you out, and you’d never know it.”
    â€œEven if you are, it never sounded so good. So keep it up.”
    â€œI plan to,

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