Bielefeld, 80
Bieling, Richard, 272
biological pest control, 248–49
bioterrorism lab, 4
Birkenau, 213–14
crematoria at, 226
women’s camp at, 215, 222
black market, 152, 163
Black Sea, 33
Blanc, Georges, 96
Blankenheim, Stefan, 257
Blankenheim, Wanda, 229
blitzkrieg, 180
Blockälteste , 102, 197, 206, 254
blood, human, 2, 4–5, 21, 31, 150–51
experiments with, 216, 224–25, 227, 271–72
feeding lice with, 2, 67–70, 150–51
as metaphor, 4–5, 88
purity of, 88, 91, 93
of typhus patients, 203–5
blood, sheep, in disease research, 225–26, 240
blood alcohol tests, 225
blood group sera, 225
blood vessels, 21
body hair, shaving of, 100, 202
body lice, 1–2, 13, 91
acceptance of, 35, 92
African strains of, 98
ants and, 187
anuses and rectums of, 19–21, 68, 146
bites of, 21
cages of, 145–46, 149–51, 159–60, 163, 176, 203, 303
diet of, 1–2
eggs of, 145, 161, 176
feces of, 18, 21, 67, 161, 165
feeding of, 69–70, 107–8, 136, 143–45, 148–53, 159–64, 166, 176
in ghettos, 121
in human history, 13–16, 17–18
humor and, 27
infestations of, 65
injection of, 144–46, 146
intestines of, 64, 68–69, 146–47, 147 , 164–65, 188, 230
killing of, 100, 146, 187, 193
lab raising of, 1–3, 19–20, 36–37, 61–62, 67–69, 108, 143–44
myths about, 39, 187
Nazi view of, 90, 100–101, 108, 119–21, 136, 141–42
nocturnal habits of, 26
protection against, 32–33, 108
typhus carrying of, 14, 18, 20, 24–25, 28–30, 34, 36–38, 108, 202–3
in World War II, 8, 11, 108
see also delousing
Bohemia, 14–15
Boitel, Michel, 256
Bolsheviks, 31–33, 73, 128, 130
bomb making, 117
bone marrow transplant, 55
Borecka, Danuta, 292–93
Borkowiec, Karol, 162
Borrelia bacteria, 17
Boy-eleski, Tadeusz, 132–33
Brandenburg, 194
Brandt, Karl, 268
Braun, Else, 81
Breslau, 283
Bridge on the River Kwai, The , 231
Brill, Nathan, 18
Brill-Zinsser disease, 18
bronchitis, 22
Browning, Christopher, 119
brucellosis, 295
Bryant, Louise, 23–24
Buchenwald concentration camp, 6, 7–9, 99–105, 196–210, 196
Auschwitz Jews arriving at, 257–58, 260
bacteriology labs at, 192, 237
Block 17 at, 253
Block 46 at, 201, 204–10, 235, 253–56, 258, 268, 282
Block 50 at, 7, 11, 232–34, 236–41, 245–51, 256, 259, 262 , 268, 281
conspiracies at, 234, 236
death at, 197, 205, 207
death march out of, 259
death toll at, 99
Department of Virus and Typhus Research at, 232–33, 237, 264
fake vaccine of, 240, 246–47, 256, 270–71
identities switched at, 253–56
infirmary at, 254
inmate hierarchy at, 102, 197–200
inmate reunion, 282
liberation of, 248–51, 259–61
Little Camp at, 8, 197, 233, 248, 257, 260
lower camp at, 196–97
medical murder in, 103–4, 199, 207, 209–10, 266
medicine at, 102–3, 199–210
pathology labs at, 198
postwar in, 279
postwar testimony regarding, 268–71
prisoners of, 100–104, 176
scientific collective at, 242–46
stench of, 260
subcamps of, 204
transport out of, 259
tubercular ward at, 234
typhoid fever research at, 208–9
typhus lab at, 7, 11, 195, 200–210, 229–30, 232–33, 246, 255, 266, 271–72, 282
upper camp at, 196–97, 260
vaccine production wing at, 233, 236, 246, 250, 269
value of research at, 207, 245
Buchenwald trial, 206 , 234
Bujwid, Odo, 166
Bujwid, Sofia, 166, 276–77
Bulgaria, 28
Burundi, 301
Büttner, Dr., 182
Caesar, Joachim, 220–22, 224–25
Café Roma, 45, 50, 51, 52 , 53
Café Załewski, 50
caffeine, 205
Camarillo State Asylum, 55
Canadian intelligence agents, 266
cannibalism, 34, 182
capos, 100, 102, 197, 203, 210, 214, 220
carbolic acid, 217
cardiolipin, 89
Carpathian Mountains, 44, 66, 289
carphology, 22
castration, 103
Catholics, 92, 165, 235
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 195
cells, typhus infection of, 21
centrifuge, 69
Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva, 285
Chajes, Wiktor, 77
Chałasiski, Józef, 136
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich,