This book could not have been written without the partnership of Izabela Wagner, Waclaw Szybalski, and Peter Eyer. Dr. Szybalski, a stalwart of Weigl’s wartime laboratory, has been central to keeping alive his mentor’s accomplishments. Szybalski shared his expertise and experiences, and introduced me to Izabela, a brilliant sociologist who joined my search for traces of Weigl and Fleck. She located and translated crucial documents, opened her home, and brought me to Ryszard Wojcik, who generously shared his materials, his astounding life story, and his friendship. Peter Eyer shared papers, letters, difficult evaluations, and (with his wife Gabriele) abundant hospitality. Stanislaw Kosiedowski was generous with time and assistance; his website provides an outstanding service to Polish history. Krystyna Weigl-Albert shared photographs and encouragement.
My agent, Sarah Chalfant has been a wonderful supporter. Angela von der Lippe, Tom Mayer, and Ryan Harrington at W. W. Norton gave me dedication, braininess, and a sense of fun. Basia Bernhardt has been a warm friend who made learning Polish an impossible delight. Marcel and Ania Drimer, Krystyna Boron, and Joris de Mooij helped with translations. George J. Otlowski, Jr., Nancy Zerbe, and Paul Abbey directed me to traces of Marian Ciepielowksi. Ann Hulbert, Jeff Baker, Walt Orenstein, and Paul Offit supported the project from the beginning, and Paul Weindling has been a patient adviser.
My book received generous support from Peter Kovler and the Kovler Fund of the Community Foundation of the National Capital Region, Edward Serrota at the Central Europe Center for Research and Documentation, and the Wellcome Trust’s program in the humanities.
The following archivists and scholars offered meaningful assistance: Naomi Baumslag, Johannes Fehr, Sylwia Werner, Irena Steinfeldt, Shaul Ferrero, Amy Schmidt, Daniel Demellier, Dominique Dupenne, Sandra Legout, David Osterbur, Patricia Heberer, Peter Gohle, Udine Beier, Kornelia Grundmann, Marek Jaros, Holm Kirsten, Gert De Prins, Eric W. Boyle, Misha Mitsel, Valerie Hugonnard, Pawel Pluta, Sofia Dyak, Roman Lozynskyi, Anna Cieplinska, Jozefa Kostek, Thomas Schnelle, Marta Balinska, Susana Case, John Parascandola, Ellen Land-Weber, Andrzej Gamian, Rostyslav Stoika, Irina Kurhanova, Olga Tarasyuk, Katharina Kreuder-Sonnen, Jason Francisco, David Lee Preston, Michael Kogon, Arthur Silverstein, David Taylor, Bozena Plonka-Syroka, Christian Barouby, Allen Richards, David Walker, Eric Lohr, Steve Sestanovich, and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.
My friends Jonathan Skolnik, Natan and Vered Guttman, Masha Belenky, Scott Wallace, Josh Rosenberg, Martha Weiss, Tamara Razi, and Peter Lewis listened and encouraged. Jim Heintz took vacation time to show me around Lviv with cultural and Cyrillic translations. Andreas Biefang, Susanna Weineck, Thomas Wiegold, and Birgit Böhret housed, fed and entertained me with warmth and style. My siblings Emily and Nick provided moral and financial support.
As always, Margaret Talbot gave me the best advice, love, and encouragement along the way.
I thank Ambassador Lee Feinstein for a glorious seder at his residence in Warsaw; Czeslaw Radzikowski and Stanislaw Ulaszewski for friendly tours of Wrocław; Marietta Steinhart for Viennese research; David Ben-Nathan for gathering old Fleck colleagues; Antoinette Nora Claypoole for her work on Louise Bryant; Joerg Dopheide and Alfred Smieszchala for tracing Wilhelm Dopheide; Howard Cohn for the postwar story of his father; Claude Romney for her thoughts about Auschwitz and Fleck; Marcus Klingberg and his daughter Sylvia for clinging to ideals; and Imre Goncze for sharing his painful story with me. And all the other witnesses, and the people they loved.
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ABO blood-typing system,
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni