A Royal Engagement: The Young Royals Book 1

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Book: A Royal Engagement: The Young Royals Book 1 by Emma Lea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Lea
surprised to find Monty saddled and waiting for me.   The big bay gelding had been Jacob's and the moment I had laid eyes on him the other day I'd fallen in love.   He was a gentle giant with a smooth gait and lots of power in his hindquarters.
    I nodded to Cliff, the Master of Horse.   "Did Alex call down to let you know I was coming?"   I asked.
    "She sure did, Princess," he replied, "And I know how much you enjoyed riding Monty t'other day.   He's been a bit off his feed, probably missin' the Prince like the rest of us.   A run'll do 'im good."
    "Thanks Cliff," I said and boosted myself up into the saddle, not waiting for anyone to give me a hand up.   I turned to my body guards, "Are you guys coming?"
    "Benjamin's bringing the ATVs," Aiden replied, "We'll follow behind with him and Jamie."
    I gave them a nod and then nudged Monty into a trot out of the stable yard.   Once we were past the buildings and out into the paddocks proper, I gave Monty his head, not really caring where we ended up.   I could hear the ATVs in the distance behind me and was glad that they weren't riding alongside of me, at least this way, I was kind of alone.
    The clear, crisp air filled my lungs and tugged at my clothes and hair as we galloped through the lush green grass.   Here and there I spotted some early wildflowers blooming amongst the long blades.   The sight of the unfamiliar cows on another rise caught my attention and I headed in their direction.
    I halted near the small herd and dismounted, tying Monty's reins around his neck so he wouldn't tread on them.   I gingerly approached one of the cows and it lifted it's head to look at me with large brown eyes.   They were quite cute, these Pemberton Jerseys with their pale caramel coat and soft faces.   They were small, though, smaller than the Merveille Guernsey.   What I had taken for calves, were in fact adult cows, with very full udders.
    "Moo," the cow mewled at me and ambled closer.
    I heard the ATVs approach and then the engine cut.   "Are you okay Aurora?" asked Benjamin.
    "I'm fine," I yelled back, "But are these our cows?   I didn't know we owned any of Will's breed."
    Benjamin was beside me when he answered, "No, we don't.   They must have escaped their paddock."
    Benjamin cocked his head and before I could make sense of what he heard, I was surrounded by four very large, very hostile men, their backs towards me as the circled me for protection.   That's when I heard the approaching ATV.
    "Lord Darkly, is that you?" Benjamin called when the ATV had cut it's motor.
    "It is," I heard Will reply.
    "Please stay where you are," Benjamin continued, "And state your business."
    "I was doing a fence inspection and found a hole.   I came to get my cows."
    "Did you notify the palace that you would be crossing the boundary?" Benjamin asked.
    "I did," Will replied, "They gave me authorisation number F7982J."
    "Thank you Lord Darkly," Benjamin replied, "Would you mind waiting there while we remove the Princess."
    "Stop it Benjamin," I said, fed up with this overly formal crap.   "I'd like to say hello to Lord Darkly.   I have some questions about his cows."
    "Your Highness, it is highly irregular for you to..."
    "Oh, quit it," I huffed, "Just let me talk to Will."   I didn't wait for them to move and just started pushing my way through their shoulders, but they were like brick walls and refused to budge.
    "If you are not going to let me out, then I'd still like to ask Will some questions," I groused.
    "I can hear you just fine from there," Will called to me, "What would you like to know?"
    "Your cows are a bit on the small side," I said, "Any reason for that?"
    "Yeah, I bred them that way.   They eat less and need less space, but they still yield a good amount of milk."
    "So lower overhead costs?"
    "Definitely.   And they're a good size for a small hobby farmer."
    I tried to get a peek of Will from between Aiden and Carlos' shoulders.   He was wearing dirty jeans that

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